Photo of Katie Taylor.

Katie Taylor

Curriculum Analyst USG eCampus


Taylor’s higher education career began almost 15 years ago and has continued in various Enrollment Management capacities. She has served the state of Georgia at public and private institutions, as well as the state’s University System. One third of her career was dedicated to Financial Aid, the next to Transfer Admissions, and now to the system’s eCampus department as Curriculum Analyst. 

2022 SEM-EP Graduate

Capstone Abstract - "Why Adults Should be and are Becoming a Prominent Piece of the SEM Puzzle"

With the state of higher education’s changing landscape including the vast number of adults with some college, but no degree and declining high school graduation numbers coupled with the national economic shift and labor workforce shortage, it is more important than ever that enrollment managers focus on encouraging and supporting adults to return to college. Strategic enrollment management is the channel through which institutions can combat that changing dynamic. This paper aims to outline why and how adults became the primary college population, why it is more important than ever for institutions to shift their focus to that population, what barriers they face, how strategic enrollment management is an important part of serving that group, and one state’s online department’s efforts to serve them.

C&U Article:

Why Adults Should Be and are Becoming a Prominent Piece of the SEM Puzzle 

Headshot of Josh Dodson.

Josh Dodson

Vice President of Innovation, VisionPoint

Josh Dodson knows higher ed. As a university’s director of digital marketing,, a web analytics strategist, a co-founder/ chief innovation officer of a higher-ed marketing firm, and a professor, Josh has helped many institutions modernize their enrollment and marketing programs. He has delivered countless presentations, keynotes, and workshops at national conferences and has taught more than 500+ students as a former faculty member.

As the Vice President of Innovation at VisionPoint, Josh brings his uncanny ability to design strategy, execute tactically, and measure ROI to our clients. Before joining VisionPoint, he led digital marketing efforts at Bentley University, Southern New Hampshire University, Eastern Kentucky University, and Lincoln Memorial University. He’s also served higher ed from the agency side in roles with Converge and Stamats. His experience both inside the university and working with them from the outside gives him a unique perspective that clients find invaluable.

B.A. in Philosophy & Religion | Lincoln Memorial University

M.A. in Christian Studies | University of the Cumberlands


Headshot of John Panzica.

John P. Panzica

Product Solutions Specialist, CollegeSource

John Panzica is a Product Solutions Specialist at CollegeSource who has served in higher education for more than 25 years. From Financial Aid to Enrollment Management, Information Technology to Admissions and Records, and then on to University Registrar, John’s breadth of experience at both 2-year and 4-year institutions gives him a unique perspective when it comes to the student journey.

Headshot of Chris Starkey.

Chris Starkey

Customer Engagement & Training Specialist, CollegeSource

Chris Starkey is a uAchieve Customer Engagement & Training Specialist with CollegeSource and has been with the company for over ten years. Currently, Chris is responsible for developing training materials and courses for uAchieve products.

Portrait photo of Amber Cellotti.

Amber Cellotti

Interim Director & Deputy Registrar, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Amber Cellotti is an Interim Director & Deputy Registrar at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. She is a member of the Upper Midwest Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (UMACRAO) and has served as Program Chair and President. Amber currently serves as the Chair of AACRAO State & Regional Relations Committee.


Headshot of Traci Sorell.

Traci Sorell

Traci Sorell writes award-winning trade published fiction and nonfiction works for young people. Born and raised in northeastern Oklahoma, she is an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation and lives on her tribe's reservation near Fort Gibson Lake. Her work focuses on combating the erasure and invisibility of Native Nations and their citizens while centering their humanity, sovereignty, histories, cultures and languages in trade published literature for young people.

Traci's nonfiction books include We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga (2018); Classified: The Secret Career of Mary Golda Ross, Cherokee Aerospace Engineer (2021); and, We Are Still Here: Native American Truths Everyone Should Know (2021). Her fiction books include At The Mountain’s Base (2019); Indian No More (2019); and Powwow Day (2022).

Traci earned a JD from the University of Wisconsin, a MA from the University of Arizona and a BA from the University of California, Berkeley. A first generation college graduate and former federal Indigenous law and policy advocate, she now serves as a 2021-22 Tulsa Artist Fellow, focusing on writing in formats new to her.

Headshot of Sarah Hartman.

Sarah Hartman

Professional Activities Officer - IACRAO (Illinois)

I have been a member of IACRAO for over 4 years and during that time I have presented at conference, held the position of East Central District Chair, and currently hold the title of Professional Activities Officer.  I have been working in higher education for ten years and I am currently the Interim Associate Director of Admissions at Parkland College.  Previous to my current position I have worked on both the recruiting side as an Admissions Advisor and the records side as a Student Records Advisor.  I am a huge proponent of professional development and along with being an IACRAO member I have been an IACAC member and have served on their board for the last 4 years.  When I am not working I like to spend time with my dog Pearl, listening to true crime podcasts, and obsessing over Christmas! 

Headshot of Maura DiColla.

Maura Dicolla

Immediate Past President - CACRAO (Carolina)

Executive Director at Cooperating Raleigh Colleges |
CACRAO Past President


Sara Sullivan, EdD

Senior Associate Registrar, Strategic Initiatives at the University of Iowa

Sara CW Sullivan is a Associate Registrar, Compliance at Cornell University. She holds a B.A. from the University of Iowa, M.Ed. from Upper Iowa University, and an Ed.D. in Higher Education Leadership from Maryville University. Sullivan has served UMACRAO and AACRAO in varying positions since 2015. Sullivan is a 2024 AACRAO Congressional Hill Day Advocate.

Sara has co-authored the following articles: 

Commencement Matters

When COVID-19 Crashed Commencement

If You Build It, They Will Come: The University of Iowa’s FERPA Team

Interview with Melanie Ho which was featured in the AACRAO Connect article Underrepresented vs. Underestimated 

Jack and Jill went up the Hill

Interview with James Kvaal


And she was on the following For the Record episodes:

Women Supporting Women

In Memoriam Tina Falkner

Hill Day


Her LinkedIn is:




Mike Baur

Head of EdTech Strategy, Amazon

Sandy Dobbs

Clark County Schools

Ron Christian

Founding Partner at Scribbles Software, LLC

Photograph of Cindy Kiefer.

Cindy Kiefer

Assistant Dean of Student Affairs

Dr. Kiefer serves as the Director of Admission + Financial Aid at the University of Virginia School of Architecture. As a first-generation college student with a student-centered approach to support students in meeting their individual educational goals and career objectives, Dr. Kiefer is guided by the principles of transparency, authenticity, and equity, and celebrating the unique characteristics of the students she serves.

Capstone Project: The Enrollment Funnel: Why Prospective Graduate Students Stop at the Application Stage

A significant amount of research exists to illustrate the SEM issues facing undergraduate institutions and graduate programs, yet little information can be found on professional schools of architecture. Often decentralized within a larger university structure with limited recruitment resources, graduate architecture and design schools, as a niche market, face unique challenges attracting potential students. This study explored reasons for why prospective graduate students did not progress in the enrollment funnel to the application stage. Specific focus centered on the differences for not applying between students who had attended recruitment events and those who did not engage during the recruitment cycle.

Photo of Deborah Agee.

Deborah Agee

Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management University of California-Davis

Deborah Agee currently serves as the Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management at the University of California at Davis. In this role, she oversees Undergraduate Admissions, Enrollment Management Analytics, Financial Aid and Scholarships, and the University Registrar. Deborah joined UC Davis in June of 2013 as the Executive Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Immediately prior to joining UC Davis, she served as Assistant Director in the Office of Financial Aid at the University of Texas at Austin.

With over 30 years experience working in the higher education field, Deborah has held a wide variety of roles over the course of her career. She began her professional life at Texas Guaranteed, a public non-profit corporation that supported the Federal Family Education Loan Program. During her tenure, she rose through the ranks from Policy Specialist to Associate Vice President of Strategy and Planning.  From there she moved on to Sallie Mae where she served as a Senior Vice President in its consulting organization, Campus Solutions. 

Deborah holds a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from Texas A & M University, Commerce, and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Texas Tech, Center for Public Service, where she was a Jacob Javits Fellow.


Jerry Bracken has made significant contributions to electronic data exchange (EDX) for many years. He is a founding member of the Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council (PESC) and has continued to be active since 2000. He has served as an active member of the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee since 1993, longer than any current member. He has also served on the ANSI Accredited Standards Committee X12 from 1993 to 2004 and on the AACRAO Board of Directors and as the VP of Information Technology from 2005 to 2008. Bracken is retired from Brigham Young University where he focused on Java web development, application design, and data modeling.

Jeff Elliott is a Data Architect at the University of Missouri Kansas City. Previously, Elliott was with the University of Missouri System for more than ten years as the senior manager of Enterprise Data Warehouse and Reporting, supporting UM System and four campuses across the state. He represents the data domain on the Division of IT Enterprise Architecture Review Board and has been involved in electronic messaging and data exchange, first in public health and now in higher education, for more than fifteen years. Elliott was actively involved in the SPEEDE Committee and PESC.

Monterey Sims is a Director of Admissions and Evaluation at the University of Phoenix where she has worked for more than 25 years. She spearheaded efforts to implement electronic transcript exchange at the University of Phoenix, earning recognitions from Southwest Alliance for Excellence – Showcase in Excellence Award for the Transcript Acquisition Process and the PESC Best Practices Award for the Electronic Transcript Acquisition Process. Monterey has been a member of the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee since 2008 and is actively involved in AACRAO, PACRAO, and PESC.

Matt Bemis is an Associate Registrar at the University of Southern California and is responsible for degree progress operations. He serves as the administrator over degree audit and transfer credit applications, is responsible the certification of student athlete academic eligibility, and is the project lead for the electronic data interchange (EDI) initiative. Bemis has been responsible for many process innovations via collaboration with several service providers and has been active within the AACRAO and PESC communities for many years.

Joey LaConte has worked as an IT professional for more than fifteen years at the University of Colorado. As the Associate Registrar for Technology, Communication and Data Reporting, he helps to automate business processes in the registrar’s office. He oversees operational reporting for student records and enrollment communications. In a former role as the technical lead for web services on a campus, LaConte is familiar with XML standards and structured data. Currently he is helping to provide resources as Colorado’s institutions of higher education embark on the adoption of electronic data exchange (EDX).

Craig Karlin has been with Fort Hays State University for 30 years and is currently the Registrar managing records and registration processes, supporting systems, and the admissions processes for all undergraduates. Karlin serves at the functional lead for admissions, records and registration for implementation of Workday as the university’s ERP and is active in AACRAO through the SPEEDE and KACRAO (Kansas) committees. He also serves on the Kansas Board of Regents Transfer and Articulation Committee that governs the state’s efforts with system-wide transfer and Kansas Core Outcomes initiatives.

Patrick S. Elliott, Ed.D., has more than fifteen years of experience in higher education working with electronic student records and reimagining student services. He spent more than eleven years at University of Maryland University College, leading electronic content management, electronic transcripts and business process workflows initiatives while serving in several functional and technical positions – including senior associate registrar. In 2017, he joined Harford Community College as the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, overseeing the admissions, registration and records, financial aid, and testing functions as well as leading strategic enrollment management for the college. Partnering with the local school district and central IT resources, he recently led his team through implementing data exchange for dual enrollment students.

Jim Feigert, Ed.D., is Registrar at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo, CA, one of the 116 California Community Colleges. Feigert is responsible for the admissions and records operations for the college and its 26,000 students. Jim previously led the student records area in the Office of Academic Records and Registrar at the University of Southern California for more than ten years. While at USC, he oversaw the launch of USC’s PDF transcript product in 2009, one of the largest universities to send PDFs at the time. He currently serves as the chair for the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee and has been active within the AACRAO community for more than ten years. Feigert earned his Ed.D. from USC in 2014. 

Doug Holmes is the Manager of eTranscripts at the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC), a centralized admissions application processing service for the universities in Ontario, Canada. Originally a software developer, he was part of the team that developed OUAC's EDI-based postsecondary transcript exchange system in 1996 and later augmented that system for PESC XML transcripts (both high school and postsecondary). He has worked with calculating GPAs from incoming electronic transcript data and has supported the OUAC's various proprietary admissions application exchange systems. Holmes was also part of the team that mapped and implemented PESC XML standards for both the admissions application and test scores, as part of the OUAC’s data exchange process with their university partners. He has served as the Association of Registrars of Universities and Colleges of Canada (ARUCC) representative to the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee from 1998 - 2005 and from 2011 to present, and is also co-chair of the Canadian PESC user group.

Sue Reyes is an Analyst/Programmer in the Administrative Information Systems department at San Diego State University. She earned her M.S. in Business Administration - Information Systems from San Diego State University. In her nineteen-plus years at SDSU, Sue has played a key role in paperless application processing and electronic transcript processing. She is the technical lead for EDI transcript processing as well as the lead developer for SDSU’s OnBase ECM software. She has also served as an Oracle Application Developer, EDI Developer, SQL DBA and is a Certified OnBase System Administrator and OnBase Workflow Administrator. Reyes joined the AACRAO SPEEDE committee in 2012 and was the acting chair from 2017-2018. Sue has represented AACRAO on the PESC Change Control Board and as a member of the PESC Seal of Approval Committee.

Tuan Anh Do has more than 24 years of IT experience, of which more than 19 has been dedicated to mid- to senior-level IT production/operation management and consultation. Do's current role is in central ITS as Senior Director of ERP & Business Intelligence, overseeing PeopleSoft Campus Solutions, HRMS and Finance. Do has been with the university for more than 23 years and has been active in the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee since 2003. Do served as vice president and president of the Singularity Users Management Team (SUMiT) as well as an active member of the Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council (PESC). Most of Do’s efforts have been through providing webinars, presentations, and workshops, as well as being a contributing author to the AACRAO EDX primer.

Nancy Umphres is a Senior Business Systems Analyst with California State University’s Office of the Chancellor and is the functional lead for the advisement and transfer credit modules within PeopleSoft since 2016. In her current role, she works with EDI and is on the eTranscript California steering committee. Previously, she was with the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, where she held various positions within the Office of the Registrar, lastly as a Business Analyst. She was heavily involved with SACRAO, the national Oracle/Peoplesoft user group community (HEUG), and co-founded a regional users’ community (SCHRUG). She joined the SPEEDE Committee in March 2020.

Electronic Transcripts 2021: The Landscape and Future of Electronic Document Exchange

Amy M. Adams

Vice President for Planning & Advancement, Marion Technical College

Amy M. Adams, Ph.D., is the Vice President for Planning & Advancement at Marion Technical College, where she has served since 2016.  Previously she served in various roles at Capital University, Xavier University, and Northern Arizona University. She has presented on various topics related to both enrollment and fundraising at the national and state level.

Increasing Community College Enrollment When Everything Says You Shouldn’t

Kris MacDonald

Director of the Center for Teaching Innovation and Excellence, SUNY CCC

Kris MacDonald, Ed.D., works at SUNY Corning Community College as the Director of the Center for Teaching Innovation and Excellence, Director of Online Programs and is the campus Electronic & Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility officer. She also works as a Resume Editor for Indeed and Curriculum Developer for Switch Vehicles, Inc. Prior to her current roles, she taught in higher education for ten years.  She holds an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Management from Drexel University, a MSed in secondary education with Pennsylvania teaching certification in English for grades 7-12, and a B.A. in communications/journalism from Shippensburg University. 

Gauging Accessibility in an LMS: Finding an Ally in Blackboard Ally

Alex Patturelli

Admissions Professional, Regis College

Alex Patturelli, M.S., is an admissions professional at Regis College in Weston, MA. Currently, he is a doctoral candidate at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. His research is centered on improving the college admissions process for low-income students. With more the five years of experience in enrollment and communication, he has been a leader on the strategy development pursuant to the institutional goals of increasing higher education access for first generation and low-income students. 

Text Messaging: The Enrollment Management Strategy for Increasing Enrollment and Promoting a Sense of Belonging for Low-Income Students

Michelle Brown-Nevers

President of MHBN Consulting, LLC

Dr. Michelle Brown-Nevers, known widely for her leadership skills, supports institutions of higher education in enrollment management, change management, innovation, service improvement and other operational areas. Engagements involve reviewing, assessing and refining policies and processes used to recruit, enroll and retain students.

Her experience crosses public and private institutions from community colleges to Ivy league universities. She held progressively responsible positions throughout her career including vice president of enrollment management and student success at Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA). Under her leadership, NOVA has made great progress in the ongoing advising redesign work, begun the NOVA Corps student internship program, and established their first strategic enrollment management plan, among other accomplishments. Prior to joining NOVA, Brown-Nevers served as associate vice president for student services at Montgomery County Community College, associate vice president for student registration and financial services at the University of Pennsylvania, and associate vice president for student administrative services at Columbia University. She began her higher education career at New York City College of Technology, formerly New York City Community College. Michelle is currently President of MHBN Consulting, LLC.

She has been a strong advocate for student success. She is known for making transformational change through streamlining and automating processes, improving front line services; creating enrollment and retention initiatives and, developing staff to work across boundaries. She created and supported strategic enrollment management plans to help ensure every student succeeds. She believes that students do not attend higher education institutions to learn the administrative processes; therefore, these processes have to be as intuitive as possible for them.

Brown-Nevers is an active member of the higher education community. She served on advisory committees for the CommonApp, is currently a mentor for the AACRAO ASCEND program, has been an instructor for the U.S. Department of Education and is a charter member of the American Association of Blacks in Higher Education. She has been a consultant to the National Student Clearinghouse and to various universities, including Sullivan County Community College, Lafayette College, Ithaca College, George Washington University and McGill University.

Michelle’s personal interests align with her professional success. She dedicates her time to supporting young people pursue higher education through her sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She served as the chair of the Scholarship Committee for the New York Alumnae Chapter. In that role, she initiated mentoring support for these young adults in addition to the funding provided to them. Many of the students awarded scholarships under her leadership completed their programs and have pursued professional careers.

Brown-Nevers holds Master of Education and Doctor of Education degrees from Teachers College, Columbia University. She earned a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Science in Education from Baruch College (CUNY). She also completed certificate programs at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education and Columbia’s Business School. She further completed the Leadership at Penn Program at University of Pennsylvania and the Civitas Leadership Development Program at MCCC.

Tana J. Miller

Senior Colleague Student Consultant at Ellucian

Tana Miller has over 35 years of higher education experience with West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas and retired in April 2022 to begin a new career with Ellucian as a Senior Colleague Student Consultant. Her career began in Admissions with roles that included recruiting, transcript evaluation, orientation planning and freshman academic advising. She then served as University Registrar where she actively implemented new software initiatives to streamline processes to better serve both staff and students. She has also served as a part time instructor for freshman seminar, basic speech and business and professional communication courses. As an Assistant Vice President she oversaw Student Engagement and Leadership, the Jack B Kelley Student Center, the Education Credit Union Buff$mart Financial Literacy program, the Registrar, TRIO and College Access programs, the division marketing staff and the campus’s CliftonStrengths™ for Students initiative as well as strategic planning and assessment. In addition, she served as the campus Foster Care Liaison and oversaw the Supervised Independent Living program, Buff Haven. 

She is also a certified True Colors Facilitator and a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach. Tana has a Bachelor of Science in Social Studies-Secondary Education, a Master of Arts in Communication and is working on her EdD in Educational Leadership.

In her new career, as a Senior Colleague Student Consultant, she will work with colleges and universities throughout North America to implement the Colleague SIS or improve utilization through a variety of consulting services.

Capstone Abstract:

This study compared retention rates of students who experienced a strengths-based freshman seminar curriculum to those who did not.  Whether enrolled in a freshman seminar or not, freshmen who did not take the StrengthsFinder® assessment had a retention rate 28 percentage points below those who took the assessment and were enrolled in the strengths-based freshman seminar. This same percentage difference applied to students who took the StrengthsFinder® assessment and enrolled in a non-strengths-based freshman seminar. Students who took the StrengthsFinder assessment but were not required to enroll in a freshman seminar course per their program or admission requirements had a higher mean ACT score but were retained at a rate 20 percentage points lower than those in the strengths-based freshman seminar/learning community.