Higher Ed Glossary 

Higher education employs various terms that may warrant clarification. Agreed-upon definitions foster a common understanding among readers. However, terminology and definitions change over time. The AACRAO online glossary maintains the current definitions and terms.

Note: This page is a work in progress; the information contained within is not comprehensive, and our Nomenclature Committee is actively engaged in the work of expanding this glossary.

This page is a work in progress, and we would love your feedback on the page and its functionality. Please fill out this form if you notice any errors on the page. Please Note: We will not be accepting any suggestions or revisions to glossary definitions at this time. 

Definition versions (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc.) and notes are included below the searchable widget for reference.


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Term Definition Source Last Reviewed
Academic Catalog Publication that informs students of their rights and responsibilities in their quest to reach an educational goal. Considered a legal document, it includes policies and procedures of an institution and how an institution interacts with a student academically. Covers admission requirements and courses needed to reach an educational goal, and other topics including residency and academic integrity. To ensure all incoming students are treated equally, catalog information is updated by catalog year. AACRAO 2024
Academic operations Covers many functions, including curriculum management (including syllabi management), catalog management, classroom-space management, class scheduling, credential audit and completion processing, class registration, and institutional and/or programmatic accreditation. Proficient, efficient academic operations contribute to learner success, persistence, and completion. AACRAO 2024
Academic program Structured, organized educational curriculum designed to provide a learner with a specific set of knowledge, skills, and qualifications in a particular field of study or academic discipline. AACRAO 2024
Academic transcript Official record of a learner’s academic achievements; currently the predominant U.S. secondary- and postsecondary-education official document used to transmit completed coursework and the degree or certificate awarded. AACRAO 2024
Academic-year scheduling Full academic-year schedule that is available when registration for a fall term opens; class schedules for each term are generated once a year. AACRAO 2024
Accreditation Accreditation entails the evaluation of the caliber of higher education institutions and their programs. Within the United States, accreditation serves as a prominent method through which students, families, government authorities, and the media ascertain the provision of a high-quality education by an institution or program. AACRAO 2024
Alternative credentials See Incremental Credentials AACRAO 2024
Articulation Is the process by which institutions of higher education recognize and transfer academic credits earned by a learner from one institution to another. The process is designed to ensure that the credits earned at one institution are accepted by another institution and may be applied toward a degree or program at another institution without unnecessary duplication or loss of credits. AACRAO 2024
Badge Online visual representation that recognizes skills, achievements, membership affiliation, and participation. AACRAO 2024
Block Registration/Enrollment Learner is enrolled in a fixed set of courses, with a specific number of credits. AACRAO 2024
Carnegie Unit A measure of the amount of time a student has studied a subject. (Also see Credit Hour and the Carnegie Foundation) AACRAO 2024
Certification Refers to the process by which an educational institution or a recognized certifying body validates that a learner has attained a specific level of skill or knowledge in a particular field or discipline. AACRAO 2024
Class Course from an academic catalog built into a class schedule; available for registration for a particular term. May be offered as a class several times each term. Sometimes referred to as a section. AACRAO 2024
Class Registration Saving a specific space in a specific class with a specific instructor. AACRAO 2024
Class-Schedule Building Practice of accounting for all details needed to offer classes to learners in a term to ensure timely progression of a learner to meet educational goal(s). AACRAO 2024
Classroom-Space Management Inventory of instructional space and capacity, layout, technology, and ownership. Data is used by institutions to manage the assignment of classes to spaces that match the requirements of the class in size, configuration, and resources. AACRAO 2024
Clock Hour (See the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Definition) eCFR 2024
Continuing Education Units A standardized measure used in the United States and Canada to quantify and record non-credit continuing education and professional development activities. CEUs are typically awarded to individuals who complete specific educational programs, workshops, seminars, or training courses that are designed to enhance their skills, knowledge, and competence in a particular field or profession. AACRAO 2024
Completion processing Inclusive of all administrative procedures used to assert a learner has fulfilled all institutional academic and administrative requirements for the credential sought. AACRAO 2024
Comprehensive Learner Record Technical specification designed to support traditional academic programs, co-curricular and competency-based education, and employer-based learning and development. Captures a learner's/worker's achievements in verifiable, digital form. Designed to be used, curated, and controlled by the learner. AACRAO 2024
Consultative Decision-Making Model in which faculty's opinion and advice are sought, but authority remains with senior administration and board of trustees. Model revolves around information sharing and discussion, rather than joint decision-making. This is one of three identified models of decision-making used in shared governance in higher education. AACRAO 2024
Course Details reside at the academic-catalog level and include various types of information, such as title, level, description, course-learning outcomes/performance objectives, pre- and co-requisites, type, etc. AACRAO 2024
Competency A specific, measurable skill, knowledge, ability, or capacity that a learner is expected to acquire and demonstrate as part of their academic program. AACRAO 2024
Course-Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Course-specific, measurable statements that define what learners are expected to know, or be able to demonstrate, upon successful completion of a particular course. AACRAO 2024
Credential (See also Digital Credential and Incremental Credential) A form of documentation that confirms a learner’s qualifications, abilities, or authority. Provided by a trusted third party, such as a college or university, with authority or accepted competence to issue the document. Term encompasses many different assertions of learning, including educational degrees, educational certificates, badges, certifications, licenses, microcredentials, nanodegrees and credit or noncredit certificates. AACRAO 2024
Credential Audit Inclusive of the systemic, ongoing review of a learner’s completed academic progress toward a credential. Credential audit can be used by the administration, faculty, academic advisors and/or learners. AACRAO 2024
Credit Hour (See the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Definition) AACRAO 2024
Curriculum Courses offered by an educational institution. AACRAO 2024
Curriculum Management Process of planning, implementing, and evaluating an educational curriculum. Includes the design, development, organization, and supervision of content, materials, and activities of an educational program. Aims to ensure curriculum aligns with institutional and accrediting body-requirements and objectives. AACRAO 2024
Curriculum Sunsetting Process of removing part of the curriculum from an institution. Process is complex, and involves decision-making, a teachout process, and final-closeout process. AACRAO 2024
Degree A terminal academic credential or qualification awarded to learners who have successfully completed a specified course of study in a particular field or discipline. Categorized into different levels and types, each with its own requirements and academic focus. In the United States, the common types of degrees in higher education include associate, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and professional degrees (M.D., J.D., D.V.M.). AACRAO 2024
Degree Audit See Credential Audit. AACRAO 2024
Departmental Registration Academic department registers learners in courses, rather than the learner registering themselves. AACRAO 2024
Digital Credential (See also Credential and Incremental Credential) An electronic representation of an earned skill or achievement. They can be embedded with metadata which make them verifiable, portable, and electronically sharable. AACRAO 2024
Digital Record Record representing an achievement or award issued by an institution. Institution may send a data record to a degree-verification vendor. AACRAO 2024
Digital Standard A set of guidelines and protocols designed to ensure efficient data exchange, interoperability, and secure management of data. Encompassing data structures, metadata standards, security measures, and user control mechanisms to facilitate reliable and protected digital interactions. AACRAO 2024
Digital Wallet Secure, user-friendly platform where learners can receive, store, manage, and share digital credentials, such as degrees, diplomas, certificates, badges, or other proofs of learning or accomplishment. AACRAO 2024
Diploma Physical or digital document that signifies a learner’s successful completion of academic requirements to attain an educational credential, typically a degree. AACRAO 2024
Distributed Decision-Making Decisions are made by groups responsible for specific issues. Faculty make decisions in certain areas, and the administration and board of trustees make decisions in other areas. This is one of three identified models of decision-making used in shared governance in higher education. AACRAO 2024
Dynamic Class Schedule Schedule adds the next term once the current term is completed, such as once spring 2023 is finished, spring 2024 is created. Institution has a full-year class schedule available to learners. AACRAO 2024
Education Plan Allows learners to identify classes they plan to take in upcoming terms, through the end of their degree program. Data is used by institutions to predict class demand and to create schedules of classes to support anticipated demand. AACRAO 2024
Educational Certificate A formal document issued by an educational institution or a certified authority that verifies an individual has completed a specific course or program of study, often vocational or technical, and signifies that the learner has acquired certain knowledge or skills in that particular field. AACRAO 2024
Elective Refers to a course or subject that a learner may be able to choose to take as part of their academic program, but may not be a required or mandatory component. AACRAO 2024
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) See the U.S. Department of Education Definition. AACRAO 2024
Fully Collaborative Decision Making Faculty and administration make decisions jointly; consensus is the goal. This is one of three identified models of decision-making used in shared governance in higher education. AACRAO 2024
Graduate Outcomes The various achievements and statuses attained by learners after completing their credential programs at higher education institutions. These outcomes often include employment status, type and relevance of job secured, further study or training undertaken, development of professional skills, and contributions to society. AACRAO 2024
Incremental Credential (See also Credential and Digital Credential) An earned skill or achievement that can stand alone or be combined (or stacked) with other credentials to be applied to a higher-level credential, such as a certificate or degree. AACRAO 2024
Institutional-Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Broad, measurable statements that define what learners are expected to know, or be able to demonstrate, upon successful completion of any instructional program. AACRAO 2024
Joint-Services Transcript (JST) Synchronized transcript of training, experience, and education acquired during military service in the United States. Available to current and former military-service members in hard copy or an online delivery format. AACRAO 2024
Learner Individual actively engaged in acquiring knowledge, skills, and understanding of a subject or a range of subjects. AACRAO 2024
Learner Handbook Resource closely related to the academic catalog. Serves as a guide to help learners navigate their academic journey and understand an institution's policies, procedures, and resources. Content varies from one institution to another. AACRAO 2024
Learning-and-Employment Record (LER) LER captures an individual's academic-learning experiences and their employment history, roles, responsibilities, and achievements. AACRAO 2024
Major Refers to a specific academic field or discipline that a learner chooses to focus on during their undergraduate studies. It is a required component of a learner’s degree program and represents the primary area of specialization. AACRAO 2024
Minor A secondary field of academic study or specialization that learners may pursue in addition to a major. A minor allows learners to explore and gain knowledge in a complementary or secondary area of interest. AACRAO 2024
Mastery Transcript Secondary-education alternative to a traditional transcript. Currently in use only by private institutions. Does not include standard letter grades but assigns mastery credits. AACRAO 2024
Microcredential Competency or skills-based recognition that allows a learner to demonstrate mastery and learning in a particular area. Less than a full degree or certificate; it is a segment of learning achievement or outcome. Should be certified by a recognized authority. AACRAO 2024
Modality of Instruction How instruction is delivered to learners by various formats, methods, and tools. Facilitates the learning process. Examples include classroom instruction, online learning, hybrid learning, internship, and practica. AACRAO 2024
Nanodegree Project-and-skills-based educational program. Once competency is demonstrated, a learner is issued a type of recognition of learning, affirming mastery of skills. AACRAO 2024
Outcomes Three primary outcomes serve quality assurance purposes in academia. Student-learning outcomes - See Student-Learning Outcome Graduate outcomes – graduates’ employment rates, salaries, matriculation to advanced study programs, etc. Program-level outcomes - See Program-Learning Outcome AACRAO 2024
Prerequisite A course, condition, or requirement that must be successfully completed or met before a learner is allowed to enroll in a more advanced or subsequent course. AACRAO 2024
Prior-Learning Assessment (PLA) Assessment and awarding of institutional credit for work or life experiences. Includes military training and experience, national or institutional examinations, or alternative demonstration of college-level knowledge and competencies. AACRAO 2024
Program Collection of courses an educational institution may award a degree or certificate for, once it is completed. AACRAO 2024
Program Closeout Process at the end of sunsetting an academic program. Typically involves removing the program from the catalog, SIS, and degree-audit systems, then informing accreditors and the Department of Education. AACRAO 2024
Program Inactivation Process for approving the sunsetting of an academic program. Involves various approvers at the institution, and may involve accreditor notification. AACRAO 2024
Program-Learning Outcomes (PLO) Focused, measurable statements that define what learners are expected to know, or be able to demonstrate, upon successful completion of a specific academic program. AACRAO 2024
Registrar An administrative officer (or office) within a college or university responsible for managing and maintaining academic records, learner transcripts, and various aspects of learner registration and enrollment. This position (or office) plays a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy and integrity of academic records and in supporting the institution's academic operations. AACRAO 2024
Section See Class. AACRAO 2024
Self-Service Registration Function that enables a learner to register for classes without support from staff. AACRAO 2024
Shared Governance Framework by which decisions are made through formal structures and processes. Involves different stakeholders, particularly faculty. AACRAO 2024
Stackable Credentials See Incremental Credentials. AACRAO 2024
Student-Information System System to manage student data, including registering students in courses and managing grades, transcripts, and student test data. AACRAO 2024
Student-Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Specific statements of what learners should know, or be able to demonstrate, when they successfully complete a learning experience. Written in concise, meaningful, achievable terms so learners understand what is expected of them. AACRAO 2024
Substantive Change Significant change to the educational mission, program, or programs of an institution after an agency has accredited or preaccredited an institution. AACRAO 2024
Syllabus A summary outline of a discourse, treatise, or course of study or of examination requirements AACRAO 2024
Teachout Institution must provide completion opportunities for impacted learners if it discontinues a program or closes or ceases operations. AACRAO 2024
Term Institution's academic calendar and/or length of classes. Might be a semester, trimester, or a quarter, a short course offering, or another period of time less than a full semester, trimester, or quarter. AACRAO 2024
Transcript An official record provided by an educational institution that documents a learner’s academic performance and achievements. It typically includes a detailed list of courses taken, grades earned, degrees conferred, honors received, and other relevant academic information. AACRAO 2024
Verification To establish the truth, accuracy, or reality of something. For asserted credentials, this includes trusting the credential issuer and that the assertion/claim associated with the credential has not been modified. AACRAO 2024
Verifiable Credential (VCs) are digital credentials that are digitally signed and cryptographically secured to ensure tamper-evident properties. AACRAO 2024


Academic Catalog

Version 1.0

Publication that informs students of their rights and responsibilities in their quest to reach an educational goal. Considered a legal document, it includes policies and procedures of an institution and how an institution interacts with a student academically. Covers admission requirements and courses needed to reach an educational goal, and other topics including residency and academic integrity. To ensure all incoming students are treated equally, catalog information is updated by catalog year.


Academic operations

Version 1.0

Covers many functions, including curriculum management (including syllabi management), catalog management, classroom-space management, class scheduling, credential audit and completion processing, class registration, and institutional and/or programmatic accreditation. Proficient, efficient academic operations contribute to learner success, persistence, and completion. 


Academic program

Version 1.0

Structured, organized educational curriculum designed to provide a learner with a specific set of knowledge, skills, and qualifications in a particular field of study or academic discipline. 


Academic transcript

Version 1.0

Official record of a learner’s academic achievements; currently the predominant U.S. secondary- and postsecondary-education official document used to transmit  completed coursework and the degree or certificate awarded.


Academic-year scheduling

Version 1.0

Full academic-year schedule that is available when registration for a fall term opens; class schedules for each term are generated once a year.



Version 1.0

Accreditation entails the evaluation of the caliber of higher education institutions and their programs. Within the United States, accreditation serves as a prominent method through which students, families, government authorities, and the media ascertain the provision of a high-quality education by an institution or program. 


Alternative credentials

(see Incremental Credentials)



Version 1.0

Is the process by which institutions of higher education recognize and transfer academic credits earned by a learner from one institution to another. The process is designed to ensure that the credits earned at one institution are accepted by another institution and may be applied toward a degree or program at another institution without unnecessary duplication or loss of credits.




Version 1.0

Online visual representation that recognizes skills, achievements, membership affiliation, and participation.


Block Registration/Enrollment

Version 1.0

Learner is enrolled in a fixed set of courses, with a specific number of credits.




Carnegie Unit

Version 1.0

A measure of the amount of time a student has studied a subject. (Also see Credit Hour and the Carnegie Foundation)



Version 1.0

Refers to the process by which an educational institution or a recognized certifying body validates that a learner has attained a specific level of skill or knowledge in a particular field or discipline.



Version 1.0

Course from an academic catalog built into a class schedule; available for registration for a particular term. May be offered as a class several times each term. Sometimes referred to as a section.


Class Registration

Version 1.0

Saving a specific space in a specific class with a specific instructor. 


Class-Schedule Building

Version 1.0

Practice of accounting for all details needed to offer classes to learners in a term to ensure timely progression of a learner to meet educational goal(s). 


Classroom-Space Management

Version 1.0

Inventory of instructional space and capacity, layout, technology, and ownership. Data is used by institutions to manage the assignment of classes to spaces that match the requirements of the class in size, configuration, and resources.


Clock Hour

(See the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Definition)


Continuing Education Units

Version 1.0

A standardized measure used in the United States and Canada to quantify and record non-credit continuing education and professional development activities. CEUs are typically awarded to individuals who complete specific educational programs, workshops, seminars, or training courses that are designed to enhance their skills, knowledge, and competence in a particular field or profession.


Completion processing

Version 1.0

Inclusive of all administrative procedures used to assert a learner has fulfilled all institutional academic and administrative requirements for the credential sought.  


Comprehensive Learner Record

Version 1.0

Technical specification designed to support traditional academic programs, co-curricular and competency-based education, and employer-based learning and development. Captures a learner's/worker's achievements in verifiable, digital form. Designed to be used, curated, and controlled by the learner.


Consultative Decision-Making

Version 1.0

Model in which faculty's opinion and advice are sought, but authority remains with senior administration and board of trustees. Model revolves around information sharing and discussion, rather than joint decision-making. This is one of three identified models of decision-making used in shared governance in higher education.



Version 1.0

Details reside at the academic-catalog level and include various types of information, such as title, level, description, course-learning outcomes/performance objectives, pre- and co-requisites, type, etc. 



Version 1.0

A specific, measurable skill, knowledge, ability, or capacity that a learner is expected to acquire and demonstrate as part of their academic program. 


Course-Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

Version 1.0

Course-specific, measurable statements that define what learners are expected to know, or be able to demonstrate, upon successful completion of a particular course. 



(See also Digital Credential and Incremental Credential)
Version 1.0

A form of documentation that confirms a learner’s qualifications, abilities, or authority. Provided by a trusted third party, such as a college or university, with authority or accepted competence to issue the document. Term encompasses many different assertions of learning, including educational degrees, educational certificates, badges, certifications, licenses, microcredentials, nanodegrees and credit or noncredit certificates.


Credential Audit

Version 1.0

Inclusive of the systemic, ongoing review of a learner’s completed academic progress toward a credential. Credential audit can be used by the administration, faculty, academic advisors and/or learners.


Credit Hour

(See the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Definition)



Version 1.0

Courses offered by an educational institution.


Curriculum Management

Version 1.0

Process of planning, implementing, and evaluating an educational curriculum. Includes the design, development, organization, and supervision of content, materials, and activities of an educational program. Aims to ensure curriculum aligns with institutional and accrediting body-requirements and objectives.


Curriculum Sunsetting

Version 1.0

Process of removing part of the curriculum from an institution. Process is complex, and involves decision-making, a teachout process, and final-closeout process.




Version 1.0

A terminal academic credential or qualification awarded to learners who have successfully completed a specified course of study in a particular field or discipline. Categorized into different levels and types, each with its own requirements and academic focus. In the United States, the common types of degrees in higher education include associate, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and professional degrees (M.D., J.D., D.V.M.).


Degree Audit

See Credential Audit.


Departmental Registration

Version 1.0

Academic department registers learners in courses, rather than the learner registering themselves. 


Digital Credential

Version 1.0

(See also Credential and Incremental Credential) An electronic representation of an earned skill or achievement. They can be embedded with metadata which make them verifiable, portable, and electronically sharable.


Digital Record

Version 1.0

Record representing an achievement or award issued by an institution. Institution may send a data record to a degree-verification vendor. 


Digital Standard

Version 1.0

A set of guidelines and protocols designed to ensure efficient data exchange, interoperability, and secure management of data. Encompassing data structures, metadata standards, security measures, and user control mechanisms to facilitate reliable and protected digital interactions.


Digital Wallet

Version 1.0

Secure, user-friendly platform where learners can receive, store, manage, and share digital credentials, such as degrees, diplomas, certificates, badges, or other proofs of learning or accomplishment. 



Version 1.0

Physical or digital document that signifies a learner’s successful completion of academic requirements to attain an educational credential, typically a degree.


Distributed Decision-Making

Version 1.0

Decisions are made by groups responsible for specific issues. Faculty make decisions in certain areas, and the administration and board of trustees make decisions in other areas. This is one of three identified models of decision-making used in shared governance in higher education.


Dynamic Class Schedule

Version 1.0

Schedule adds the next term once the current term is completed, such as once spring 2023 is finished, spring 2024 is created. Institution has a full-year class schedule available to learners.



Education Plan

Version 1.0

Allows learners to identify classes they plan to take in upcoming terms, through the end of their degree program. Data is used by institutions to predict class demand and to create schedules of classes to support anticipated demand.


Educational Certificate

Version 1.0

A formal document issued by an educational institution or a certified authority that verifies an individual has completed a specific course or program of study, often vocational or technical, and signifies that the learner has acquired certain knowledge or skills in that particular field.



Version 1.1

Refers to a course or subject that a learner may be able to choose to take as part of their academic program, but may not be a required or mandatory component.

Version 1.0 

Refers to a course or subject that a learner may be able to choose to take as part of their academic program, but it is not a required or mandatory component.

Notes: Updated on 8/30/2024


Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Version 1.0

(Also see the U.S. Department of Education Definition.) 


Fully Collaborative Decision Making

Version 1.0

Faculty and administration make decisions jointly; consensus is the goal. This is one of three identified models of decision-making used in shared governance in higher education.



Graduate Outcomes

Version 1.0

The various achievements and statuses attained by learners after completing their credential programs at higher education institutions. These outcomes often include employment status, type and relevance of job secured, further study or training undertaken, development of professional skills, and contributions to society. 



Incremental Credential

(See also Credential and Digital Credential)
Version 1.0

An earned skill or achievement that can stand alone or be combined (or stacked) with other credentials to be applied to a higher-level credential, such as a certificate or degree.


Institutional-Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Version 1.0

Broad, measurable statements that define what learners are expected to know, or be able to demonstrate, upon successful completion of any instructional program.



Joint-Services Transcript (JST)

Version 1.0

Synchronized transcript of training, experience, and education acquired during military service in the United States. Available to current and former military-service members in hard copy or an online delivery format. 




Version 1.0

Individual actively engaged in acquiring knowledge, skills, and understanding of a subject or a range of subjects. 


Learner Handbook

Version 1.0

Resource closely related to the academic catalog. Serves as a guide to help learners navigate their academic journey and understand an institution's policies, procedures, and resources. Content varies from one institution to another.


Learning-and-Employment Record (LER)

Version 1.0

LER captures an individual's academic-learning experiences and their employment history, roles, responsibilities, and achievements.




Version 1.0

Refers to a specific academic field or discipline that a learner chooses to focus on during their undergraduate studies. It is a required component of a learner’s degree program and represents the primary area of specialization.  



Version 1.0

A secondary field of academic study or specialization that learners may pursue in addition to a major. A minor allows learners to explore and gain knowledge in a complementary or secondary area of interest.


Mastery Transcript

Version 1.0

Secondary-education alternative to a traditional transcript. Currently in use only by private institutions. Does not include standard letter grades but assigns mastery credits.



Version 1.0

Competency or skills-based recognition that allows a learner to demonstrate mastery and learning in a particular area. Less than a full degree or certificate; it is a segment of learning achievement or outcome. Should be certified by a recognized authority.


Modality of Instruction

Version 1.0

How instruction is delivered to learners by various formats, methods, and tools. Facilitates the learning process. Examples include classroom instruction, online learning, hybrid learning, internship, and practica.




Version 1.0

Project-and-skills-based educational program. Once competency is demonstrated, a learner is issued a type of recognition of learning, affirming mastery of skills.




Version 1.0

Three primary outcomes serve quality assurance purposes in academia. 

  1. Student-learning outcomes -  See Student-Learning Outcome 
  2. Graduate outcomes – graduates’ employment rates, salaries, matriculation to advanced study programs, etc. 
  3. Program-level outcomes  - See Program-Learning Outcome




 Version 1.0

A course, condition, or requirement that must be successfully completed or met before a learner is allowed to enroll in a more advanced or subsequent course.


Prior-Learning Assessment (PLA)

Version 1.0

Assessment and awarding of institutional credit for work or life experiences. Includes military training and experience, national or institutional examinations, or alternative demonstration of college-level knowledge and competencies. 



Version 1.0

Collection of courses an educational institution may award a degree or certificate for, once it is completed. 


Program Closeout

Version 1.0

Process at the end of sunsetting an academic program. Typically involves removing the program from the catalog, SIS, and degree-audit systems, then informing accreditors and the Department of Education.


Program Inactivation

Version 1.0

Process for approving the sunsetting of an academic program. Involves various approvers at the institution, and may involve accreditor notification.


Program-Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Version 1.0

Focused, measurable statements that define what learners are expected to know, or be able to demonstrate, upon successful completion of a specific academic program.




Version 1.0

An administrative officer (or office) within a college or university responsible for managing and maintaining academic records, learner transcripts, and various aspects of learner registration and enrollment. This position (or office) plays a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy and integrity of academic records and in supporting the institution's academic operations.



Version 1.0

Applicable to many functions of a registrar, such as establishing a learner’s identity at an institution, confirming admittance of a learner to an academic program, or enrolling a learner. Also see Class Registration.




See Class.


Self-Service Registration

Version 1.0

Function that enables a learner to register for classes without support from staff.


Shared Governance

Version 1.0

Framework by which decisions are made through formal structures and processes. Involves different stakeholders, particularly faculty. 


Stackable Credentials

See Incremental Credentials.


Student-Information System

Version 1.0

System to manage student data, including registering students in courses and managing grades, transcripts, and student test data.


Student-Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Version 1.0

Specific statements of what learners should know, or be able to demonstrate, when they successfully complete a learning experience. Written in concise, meaningful, achievable terms so learners understand what is expected of them.


Substantive Change

Version 1.0

Significant change to the educational mission, program, or programs of an institution after an agency has accredited or preaccredited an institution.



Version 1.0

A summary outline of a discourse, treatise, or course of study or of examination requirements.




Version 1.0

Institution must provide completion opportunities for impacted learners if it discontinues a program or closes or ceases operations. 



Version 1.0

Institution's academic calendar and/or length of classes. Might be a semester, trimester, or a quarter, a short course offering, or another period of time less than a full semester, trimester, or quarter. 



Version 1.0

An official record provided by an educational institution that documents a learner’s academic performance and achievements. It typically includes a detailed list of courses taken, grades earned, degrees conferred, honors received, and other relevant academic information.




Version 1.0

To establish the truth, accuracy, or reality of something.  For asserted credentials, this includes trusting the credential issuer and that the assertion/claim associated with the credential has not been modified.


Verifiable Credential

Version 1.0

(VCs) are digital credentials that are digitally signed and cryptographically secured to ensure tamper-evident properties.
