The FERPA Professor is dedicated to addressing inquiries regarding FERPA interpretation and application for professionals in the field of higher education on a continual basis. LeRoy Rooker, an esteemed AACRAO Senior Fellow, has played a prominent role as the main spokesperson for the FERPA Professor, both in physical gatherings and virtual platforms. The team of contributors for the FERPA Professor comprises:
2016 - 2018
2013 - 2015
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The professors answer questions regarding whether an institution can refuse to provide a student's information to the authorized parent.
The professors answer questions regarding directory information disclosures.
The professors answer questions regarding access to the student record following separation from the university.
College & University (C&U) concluded its “50 Years of FERPA” series with a special interview in the fall issue with LeRoy Rooker, the nation’s leading authority on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The FERPA Professors comments on the definition of a "student" and whether applicants can be defined as such.
The FERPA Professor comments on directory information disclosure in the case of a subpoena, what is required and what is not.
The FERPA Professor comments on the necessity of written consent and information sharing.
The FERPA Professor considers appropriate disclosure in the case of a Federal Grand Jury subpoena.
The FERPA Professor reflects on exceptions in the case of a GAO (Government Accountability Office) audit.
The FERPA Professor examines the terms "School Official" and "Legitimate Education Interest" as applied to student workers.
The FERPA Professor answers a question about a court subpoena and FERPA compliance.
The FERPA Professor gives guidance on directory information, consent, and disclosures.
The FERPA Professor gives guidance on the case of a breach in treatment records and why those records are no longer exempt.
The professors answer questions regarding the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and how it applies to political campaigning purposes.
The FERPA Professor weighs in on the use of A.I. recording in the classroom.
The FERPA Professor answers a complicated question involving electronic signatures and the "safe harbor" provision.
The FERPA Professor answers a question about who qualifies as a "school official" and information release.
The FERPA Professors answer a question about the appropriateness of non-directory information release to a student loan servicer.
The FERPA Professors answer a question related to faculty requests for data and how that data can be used for legitimate research.
The FERPA Professors provide detailed advice for IT departments looking to remain in compliance when issuing password resets.
The FERPA Professor answers a question about the Solomon Amendment and directory information.
The FERPA Professor answers an interesting question about recordkeeping, state law, FERPA, and student disclosure.
The FERPA Professor answers a question regarding the 45-day requirement and student requests.
The FERPA Professor answers a question regarding class schedules and directory information.
The FERPA Professor answers a question from a higher education vendor regarding a questionable request from an institution.
The FERPA Professor answers a question regarding record responsibility and control at the point of matriculation.
A series of in-depth FERPA questions answered by LeRoy Rooker "The FERPA Professor" and Dr. Helen B. Garrett.
The FERPA Professor answers a question pertaining to applicants, education records, and institutional responsibility.
The FERPA Professor answers a question about a possible FERPA violation and a suspended student.
The FERPA Professor answers an interesting question about a situation common for most institutions.
The FERPA Professor answers tough questions about possible FERPA violations, education record definitions, and more.
The FERPA Professor responds to an interesting question relating to the recordation requirement and what to include on student records.
The FERPA Professor responds to a question on information disclosure, consent, and timelines.
The FERPA Professor answers a question regarding legitimate educational interest.
The FERPA Professor answers a question regarding "school official" definitions.
The FERPA Professor answers a question about releasing transcripts from other institutions.
The FERPA Professor answers a question touching on the practice of witholding transcripts and a students' right to inspect and review educational records.
The FERPA Professor answers a question regarding who and what qualifies as a "legitimate educational interest".
The FERPA Professor answers a series of questions regarding directory information, opt-out requirements, and intitutional obligations.
The FERPA Professor answers a question the Student ID and directory information designation.
The FERPA Professor answers a question about non-disclosure requests and directory information.
The FERPA Professor answers a question about providing student records through alternative means.
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Understanding the difference between "registered" vs. "enrolled."
Enrollment status, directory information, and FERPA.
Advice for handling incidental data disclosure.
The FERPA Professor answers questions regarding outsourcing and third-party contractors.
The FERPA professor tackles questions regarding identity verification.
The FERPA Professor examines the disclosure of student medical treatment records and provides guidance.
The FERPA Professor addresses questions regarding data retention policies and right to access.
AACRAO's FERPA Professor examines issues regarding zoom recordings and "student education records."
The FERPA Professor gives advice on utilizing 3rd party vendors and maintaining control of student records.
The FERPA Professor answers a question about student consent methodology and practice in the case of a deceased student.
The FERPA Professor answers a question about student consent methodology and practice.
The FERPA Professor answers two member questions regarding information disclosure and directory information.
The FERPA Professor discusses allowed technology and possible FERPA violations.
The FERPA Professor student education record disclosure and allowed exceptions.
Ask the FERPA Professor contributor Dr. Helen B. Garrett provides real-world tips on maintaining compliance.
The FERPA Professor looks at what qualifies as an "Education Record" and provides guidance as it relates to FERPA.
The FERPA Professor answers an unusual FERPA request regarding the release of academic records.
The FERPA Professor answers questions regarding Rights of “Access and Review” of Records.
The FERPA Professor answers questions regarding the recordation provision and inadvertent information release.
The FERPA Professor answers member questions regarding the recordation provision and dual enrollment.
The FERPA Professor weighs in on "directory information" requests and when disclosure is required.
Are academic advisors' notes considered "education records" under FERPA?
Is it a FERPA violation to provide teaching assistants gradebook access?
The FERPA Professor discusses updates and changes to the Solomon Amendment.
The FERPA Professor discusses rules around dual enrollment and outside access.
The FERPA Professor weighs in on Name/Likeness rules and personally identifiable information.
The FERPA Professor answers a member questions regarding research and record notation.
Video-recording students to prevent cheating: an education record?
Does tuition money added to student paychecks count as financial aid under FERPA?
Can our institution provide information to the Census Bureau?
Is a recorded Zoom meeting considered a student record?
Is a student complaint part of their educational record?
Are faculty virtual open office hours a violation of FERPA?
Does HIPPA apply to treatment records at our institution?
Can an electronic signature be used for FERPA releases?
A question of mass emails.
A military recruiter requests unusual information.
Can you notify people if a staff or student tests positive for COVID-19?
Does AACRAO certify vendors as FERPA-compliant?
Do parents have access without student consent?
Communicating with high schools about students in dual credit courses.
A question about date of birth as directory information.
Internship/Practicum verification
Regarding the sharing of recorded class sessions.
Is a contracted lawyer a designated school official?
Is a check box on an online form an acceptable electronic "signature" for FERPA release?
Does FERPA require us to prevent users from syncing the data to home computers?
Participation in data sharing (gender and ethnicity) with accrediting agency.
A question about faculty contract dates and email and online roster access.
A disagreement with the IT department about directory information.
4 common violations to watch out for.
Notifying students under subpoena.
Can student ID be part of directory information?
A question about institutional police department's law enforcement records involving students.
Follow-up questions about student misconduct on transcripts.
Can an online consent form be used to defer rent payments until aid money comes in?
Do you need a student's permission to send a reverse transfer transcript?