headshot of Louis Soares

Louis Soares

Chief Learning & Innovation Officer at ACE

Louis Soares serves as the Chief Learning & Innovation Officer at ACE. Soares incubates and scales ACE’s executive leadership networks, as well as catalyzes compelling research and innovation initiatives across the Council. Working with colleagues, Soares integrates the work of ACE’s leadership, research and innovation teams to optimize membership value for colleges and universities by developing programs and services to advance the success of senior leaders, diversify the executive talent pipeline, and facilitate partnerships to enhance institutional performance. While at ACE, he published landmark papers, including The Post-traditional Learners Manifesto Revisited: Aligning Postsecondary Education with Real Life for Adult Student Success and Evolving Higher Education Business Models: Leading with Data to Deliver Results.   

headshot of John P. Panzica

John Panzica

Product Solutions Specialist at CollegeSource

John Panzica is a Product Solutions Specialist at CollegeSource who has served in higher education for more than 25 years. Starting out in Financial Aid, John progressively took on additional duties within Enrollment Management, making his way into Admissions and Records, College Registrar, and then on to University Registrar. John’s extensive experience on a variety of campuses gives him a unique perspective on transfer-related issues. Having worked at both 2-year and 4-year institutions, the issue of student transfer is central to John’s experience.

James (Jim) D'Arcy, MBA

Registrar, University of Regina

Jim has over 35 years of administrative, student service, and registrarial experience in various roles at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Athabasca University, and the University of Regina. He is currently the Registrar at the University of Regina, on the board of the Pan Canadian Consortium of Admission and Transfer, and a current member of the Saskatchewan Transfer Credit and Learner Pathway Council. Jim also sits on a large number of committees, councils, and task teams at the University of Regina. Jim is currently overseeing the centralization of transfer credit at the University of Regina and his background includes systems implementation and upgrade, project management, process review and improvement, as well as strategic and operational planning.

Andrew Wilson

Transfer & Technology Director, Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT)

Andrew is responsible for providing senior leadership in support of leading system coordination for ONCAT’s mandate and strategic priorities. These include providing leadership for redevelopment and continuous improvement of ONCAT’s student-facing website (ONTransfer.ca), support for enhancing capacity and process efficiencies across Ontario’s postsecondary education institutions, and collaboratively supporting employees across the organization with improved technology/IT functions, research/knowledge mobilization, strategic communications, and sector engagement/collaboration. Prior to joining ONCAT, Andrew worked for over sixteen years at York University in various roles with the last seven years being focused on managing the transfer credit operations in the Office of the University Registrar.

Headshot of Daniel Hibbert.

Daniel Hibbert

Commercial Director, Digitary

Commercial Director, Digitary

Daniel Hibbert is a motivational, proactive and strategic thinking senior leader within Digitary, who provide technology solutions for the digitisation of academic credentials across the world.

Daniel has worked collaboratively with education institutions across K-12, vocational education and higher education to develop and deliver digital solutions that assist institutions administratively and empower learners throughout their lifelong learning journey.

Daniel has a strong background in accounting and finance; operations; customer management; commercial and sales; and senior management that has been focused over the last 10 years with strong technology solution providers to learners, job seekers, employers and education institutions.

Headshot of Richard Skeel.

Richard Skeel

Director, Product Management

Director, Product Management at Ellucian

Headshot of April Cozine.

April Cozine

Associate Director of Admissions, Wichita State University

I’ve worked in higher education for the past 16 years, and I’m passionate about access to education, working towards streamlining processing procedures, implementing new technologies, striving to improve student services, and strengthening our profession for the future.  During my tenure, I’ve served as a financial aid coordinator at Missouri Western State University, and as Assistant Director of Financial Aid, and currently as Director of Admission Operations at Wichita State University, a mid-sized public university in Kansas.

I’ve served in various roles within KACRAO, including conference chair, Apply Kansas founder and coordinator, and most currently as President.  I have a heart to serve, and a desire to extend my service beyond my state, and look forward to the opportunity of engaging further with our AACRAO membership to help ensure that we continue to look ahead at a wide array of diverse leaders, interests, and association activities that serves all of our community well. 

This community has given so much to me, and I want to give back to our profession and encourage others to be involved!  I would like to continue work to build out technology needs within the industry, professional credentialing for CRM management, networking, and engaging and encouraging our young professionals within our profession to be involved.  I’ve personally grown the most when I’ve taken on more and stretched beyond my comfort zone and want to help others do the same.

Headshot of Edward Trombley.

Edward Trombley

Registrar, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

I have worked as a manager in multiple university settings, selecting and training candidates for a wide variety of roles, and I would like to share that experience with colleagues to benefit my professional organization, AACRAO.   

I am in my twelfth year as Registrar at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Worldwide, in Daytona Beach, Florida, and have previously served as Senior Operations Manager, Registrar’s Office, at Walden University; Registrar at DeVry University in the Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. metro regions; and Dean of Administration at Bryant & Stratton College in central New York.  I also currently serve as President for the Florida Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (FACRAO), and the Vice President for Topics in Higher Education, with the Southern Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (SACRAO). 

I have presented sessions with expert colleagues at numerous state, regional and national conferences on topics including support of military and veteran students, working with non-traditional students, and collaboration between admissions officers and registrars.  I have served as a contributing author to AACRAO publications including The Transfer Handbook: Promoting Student Success (2015), AACRAO Guide to Graduation Ceremonies (2017), AACRAO’s Professional Development Guidelines for Registrars: A Self-Assessment (2018), AACRAO’s Student Records Management: Retention, Disposal, and Archive of Student Records (2019), and The Academic Record and Transcript Guide (2020).  In addition, I have also contributed to publications including The Chronicle of Higher Education Headcount Blog, AACRAO’s College and University journal, AACRAO Connect “Field Notes,” and The SACRAO Journal.  I hold both a bachelor’s and master’s degree from the State University of New York at Oswego. 

Headshot of Erin Lockett.

Erin Michelle Collins

Registrar, Pomona college

I have worked in Higher Education for sixteen years.  I began my career working on the front-line, processing applications for admission, and maintaining student records. I am now the Registrar at CalArts, where I focus on student degree progress and completion, and the interpretation and application of institutional policies and procedures. I have gained the ability to think strategically when faced with any given scenario, have a desire to learn and continuously improve, the capacity to stimulate personal and group excellence, and the capability to work with and lead a team. My commitment to the advancement of my profession is proven by my participation in AACRAO's Black Caucus and Women's Caucus, and PACRAO's Leadership Development Institute.  I offer my unique skill set, knowledge, passion, and drive to further the mission of AACRAO by serving on the Nominations and Elections Committee.

I am proud to be a Registrar, and I am happy to be at an institution that (for the most part) understands my roll and the impact I can have at an institution. My path was not linear. I had my oldest child two months before my 19th birthday. I knew what the odds would be, and I worked extremely hard to earn my degrees while working full-time and had three more children along the way. I started my career as an Admissions and Records Technician for Barstow Community College at the Ft. Irwin Campus. It was my first boss, Heather Williams, that told me I would make a good Registrar one day. I held onto that, moved up and on to other colleges and universities. But it wasn’t until I went to my first AACRAO annual meeting and attended the Black Caucus session that I realized that it really could be true. I had never seen other people that looked like me that were Registrars, Directors or Admissions and Records, and AVPs of Admissions.  I have had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people through AACRAO and PACRAO. I have had official mentors through PACRAO’s Leadership Development Institute, Julia Pomerenk, Marc Booker, and Soraira Urquiza, and unofficial mentors through AACRAO like Jackie Carter. I see what they are doing and how much they care about our community of registrar and admission folk. My mission is to help people reach their purpose and to leave things more beautiful than they were before. I would like to continue to do this as I grow in my career and become more involved in the association.  

Headshot of Johnika Dreher.

Johnika Nixon

Doctoral Student, Morgan State University

Higher education and, more specifically, enrollment management are beyond moving the needle. Higher education is at a crux where it must redefine business practices that identify a clearly understood value proposition, diversified SEM methodology, personalized marketing, response to high levels of accountability, and evolutionary agility to change. After two decades in higher education, I recognize that I excel when designing and executing initiatives that cultivate collaborative people, culture, and user engagement. Participating in the AACRAO ASCEND Program introduced a framework for me to bridge my intersectional experiences across Academic and Student Affairs to contribute to the transformation of higher education. I define myself as a strategic organizational development practitioner who lives a minimalistic lifestyle and thrives when achieving well-being for others and myself. Johnika currently serves as the Vice Chair of AACRAO State & Regional Relations Committee.


Headshot of Megan Mitchell.

Megan Mitchell

Director of Graduate Admissions, Austin Peay State University

Over my professional career, I have always been very active in professional development and an advocate for what it can do for people personally and professionally.  I have no doubt that it is the connections to colleagues and experiences I have had from professional development opportunities that have made me the person I am today.  I started, even back as an admissions counselor, serving on the state (TnACRAO) calendar committee and have continued to pour my time into the state and regional (SACRAO) level organizations in various roles.  I recently joined the Public Policy Advisory Group for AACRAO as a way to begin to serve the national organization.


Molly McDermott Fallon

Assistant Vice Provost & University Registrar, University of Cincinnati

Slate Position: 2025-2026 Nominations and Elections Committee

Position Statement:

I am deeply honored to be nominated for the Nominations and Elections Committee, recognizing its pivotal role in shaping AACRAO leadership that reflects and serves our diverse membership. As a co-chair of the Women's Caucus, I strongly commit to inclusion and equity in decision-making processes. I believe in fostering a slate of candidates who align with AACRAO's strategic goals and embody our diversity and community values.

In my role, I have advocated that diversity and inclusion must go beyond representation—it's about actively including diversity in perspectives that enrich our discussions and decisions. This belief aligns closely with AACRAO's mission to advance and support a globally interconnected community of higher education professionals.

Reflecting on the words of Past-President Jackie Carter, "What happens to one of us happens to all of us," underscores our interconnectedness and the importance of solidarity in navigating challenges in higher education. It reinforces my commitment to selecting candidates who can lead with empathy and resilience, understanding the broader impacts of their decisions on our community.

AACRAO has set ambitious goals for 2026, and our leadership must embody the drive and vision to achieve and exceed these milestones. I am eager to contribute to this momentum as a Nominations and Elections Committee member, ensuring that our slate of candidates reflects the expertise, diversity, and dedication necessary to propel AACRAO forward.

In conclusion, I am committed to upholding AACRAO's values and mission, advocating for inclusivity and equity, and contributing actively to selecting leadership that will guide us toward a future of excellence and collaboration. I am honored by the nomination and look forward to the opportunity to serve our community in this capacity.

I began my career as a student worker and never left. I have been in the Registrar’s Office since 2012 have been active with OhioACRAO ever since. I am currently President of OhioACRAO holding multiples positions in the organization. 


Sam Fugazzotto Ed.D.

University Registrar, University of Nevada - Las Vegas

Slate Position: Vice President at Large

Position Statement:

I have been involved with AACRAO for more than 15 years. During this time, the organization has provided me with countless resources, including learning and development opportunities, that have helped me grow as a professional. In addition, AACRAO has helped me create an invaluable network of colleagues from across the country. 

Over the years, my record of service with AACRAO has run the gamut from various Professional Activities Committees (PACs) to sitting on both the Nominations and Elections and Program Committees. I have also served as Vice-Chair and Chair of the Program Committee, with my term ending at the 2024 annual meeting. Furthermore, I have applied to join two PACs, the Prior Learning Assessment and Alternative Credit and Credentials Committee and the Member Engagement Committee. 

My colleagues have graciously nominated me to fill the Vice President at Large role. If elected to this position, I plan to use my experience with AACRAO in several ways to keep up with the responsibilities of the role. I will work with the Board and others in AACRAO to ensure solid and timely communication between the Board and members, especially members who are less active and who may feel they need to be heard. I will also work diligently on any special projects assigned to me by the Board, again with an eye toward encouraging engagement by members where possible. 

Finally, I will collaborate with other Board members and leaders in the association to ensure that we continue to live out and promote our mission “to serve and advance higher education by providing leadership in academic and enrollment services.” In spite of its importance to the functioning of higher education, we tend to practice our profession behind the scenes. Highlighting our association’s mission for our members will not only serve to keep members engaged in AACRAO but also will help them to see themselves as key players on their own campuses in their day-to-day work.

I am appreciative of all that AACRAO has provided me over the years and would like to continue to serve the association and its members. Therefore, I respectfully request consideration for the Vice President at Large role on the Board of Directors.

Sam Fugazzotto currently serves as the University Registrar of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. An active AACRAO member for many years, he also serves as the Program Committee Chair for the 2024 Annual Meeting in Columbus, OH.


Dr. Wendolyn Davis

Executive Director for Pathway Alignment, Chattanooga State Community College

Slate Position: Vice President at Large

Position Statement:

It is with humble excitement that I accept the nomination of AACRAO’s Vice President-At-Large. I am interested in this opportunity because my participation in AACRAO has benefited me professionally and personally. I recognize AACRAO’s impact on higher education, and specifically my professional growth, for which I am grateful.

My AACRAO and State and Regional service has included the following:    

  •         Black Caucus Chair

  •         Public Policy Advisory Group membership

  •         Technology and Transfer Virtual Summit co-lead

  •         Past-chair of the Nomination and Elections Committee

  •         Past-president of the Michigan ACRAO

  •         AACRAO Connect Field Notes contributor

  •         Annual, State, and Regional Session Presenter

Each opportunity has increased my desire to play a significant role in representing, supporting, and advancing the interests of the association and its members. AACRAO has afforded me the opportunity to experience their impact on legislation, policy setting, research, establishing competencies and meeting the needs of higher education professionals. These opportunities have strengthened my leadership, and it would be a privilege to utilize this skill set to give back in a more significant way to AACRAO and my profession.

AACRAO values include collaboration, innovation, inclusivity, inquiry, and integrity. My strengths are aligned with AACRAO’s values and are demonstrated in my ability to bring people together, to promote a common vision and commitment for a positive outcome.

Serving on the AACRAO Board of Directors is not considered lightly, as this comes with great responsibility and commitment to make sure the association and its members are served.

My professional experience specifically related to this role includes:

  •         President's Cabinet member

  •         Multiple service roles as caucus, committee, or task force chair

  •         Project development and management

  •         Collaboration with multiple partners on legislative issues

  •         Governance over and monitoring of adherence to legislated higher education   practices

  •         Continuous quality improvement

  •         Institutional strategy development and implementation

As Vice President-at-Large, I understand that my viewpoint has significant impact on shaping how the association is observed and on member experience. I will use my strengths to serve as a voice and liaison between the board and membership, lead efforts to guide strategic planning, leverage my position to ensure the board is positively represented as needed and assigned, and make myself available to state and regional associations, while being flexible regarding how I can best be of service.

Dr. Wendolyn Davis is Executive Director of Pathway Alignment at Chattanooga State Community College. Prior to joining Chatt State in June 2023, she held the position of Director of Undergraduate Admissions Transfer Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville for four (4) years, Assistant Director of Transfer Student Services at Central Michigan University for nearly seven (7) years and Education & Training Specialist at Grand Rapids Community College for two (2) years.

Dr. Davis taught TRNS 201 – Transitioning to Rocky Top, a UT transfer transition course led by the Office of Academic Success First Year Programs and served as an Intercultural Diversity Inventory (IDI) Advisory Board Member and Qualified Administrator (QA).

Dr. Davis is active in the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) as chair of the Black Caucus and chair of the Nominations & Elections committee, in addition to co-directing the Technology and Transfer Virtual Summit. She is a member of the Transfer and Articulation Committee, Public Policy Advisory Group, a past contributor to AACRAO Connect, and has presented at Annual Meetings. Additionally, she is a past-president and former board of director’s chair of the Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (MACRAO).

Dr. Davis holds a PhD in Organization and Management, an MBA in Human Resource Management, a BS in Psychology, and an associate degree in general studies. Previous experience includes TRiO Programs, Child Welfare (International and Domestic), and Workforce Development.

Connie Shipman Newsome

Connie Shipman Newsome, Ed.D.

Director of Registrar Services, Campbell University School of Law

Slate Position: President-Elect

Position Statement:

Hello Beloved AACRAO Family,

I am incredibly honored and humbled to have received three nominations for the President-Elect position. AACRAO, and the values we encompass, has come to mean a great deal to me. I was both nervous and excited when I attended my first conference in 2015, for I would attend a conference I’d heard about during my years at a prior institution, and I would simultaneously be introduced to the other organization that is relevant for professional development in my area, and that is the National Network of Law School Officers (NNLSO). During my initial years in higher education, I was unable to attend conferences due to my position. However, my current institution and administration encouraged professional development, which allowed me the liberty to not only be involved with AACRAO, but be committed, submit presentation proposals that fell under both personal and professional development, and serve in leadership. From my election as Vice-Chair-Elect and then Vice-Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee to my service as Vice-President At Large on the Board of Directors, Chair of the Governance Committee, speaker at State and Regional meetings, and co-author of a chapter within the most recent edition of Academic Operations and the Role of the Registrar, it has been my absolute pleasure to attempt to understand the needs of the organization and/or individual members and then choose areas for meaningful impact. Service in the role of President Elect empowers me to extend that same fervor but focused on Goal #5 of our Strategic Plan…to Develop and lead strong advocacy coalitions to benefit the advancement of higher education, higher education policy, and the learners we serve. In short, I desire to take a deep learning dive to broaden my and others’ knowledge on the different considerations/perspectives we must employ regarding accessibility and inclusion. I am learning that accessibility and inclusion has many faces. How then might we, as a profession, come to readily recognize those faces and transform our areas and our hearts to serve our clients (learners, faculty, fellow administrators) in a way that empowers, exhorts, engages, and promotes well-being? We must have a shared goal to consistently relay the message to any given person that “we see you, we want to help you, and we want you to know that you are not alone.” I truly believe that if we intentionally expand our view regarding the various forms of accessibility and inclusion, it will go a long way to projecting a more positive and discerning image of the higher education landscape, institution by institution. If any organization can be a premier leader in implementing such change, I certainly believe that AACRAO is such an organization, and I would love to be a part of such a movement.


Dr. Connie enjoys the study of leadership and the privilege to impact others through encouragement and exhortation to be the best version of one’s authentic self.  During her career, with over 20 years in higher education administration and preceding years in non-profit management, her main focus has been on process improvement, managing teams, and creating professional development opportunities that lead to proper team and organizational fit.  Her recent professional passions include the study of behavioral and communication drivers, leading to a certification in the John Maxwell D.I.S.C. Method of Behavioral Analysis. 

 In her current position of Director of Registrar Services, she worked diligently to transition the department to a paperless division, created a pathway for electronic transcripts, presented an environment aesthetically pleasing as a “safe space” for students hailing from various areas of diversity, and has continually focused on process improvements throughout her career, to the benefit of the respective department, team processes, and organization as a whole.

 Connie is also passionate about volunteerism.  With that, she has served as a Guardian Ad Litem for over 20 years, advocating for children who have been temporarily or permanently removed from their home due to abuse and/or neglect.  She is also active in professional organizations in her field; she has been an active member of both the National Network of Law School Officers and the American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers since 2015, garnered by the support of her law school administration.  She was elected and serves(d) as Vice-President at Large as well as Chair of the Governance Committee and Vice-Chair for the Nominations and Elections Committee (past commitment) for the American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers and Assistant Executive Director of the National Network of Law School Officers.  She is also a “JMTer,” committed to study and development from leadership expert Dr. John Maxwell.  Connie is a lover of quotes and one of her favorites include, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Ghandi

 Finally, having always lived a busy life between work, personal, and school commitments, Dr. Newsome became intentional about self-care during her doctoral journey.  However, it was just in 2023 that she coined the phrase “beneficial selfishness,” which she lovingly defines as the concept of taking ownership of one’s own well-being, to the benefit of self and with the goal of positive engagement with one’s inner and outer circles.  Beneficial selfishness is important because it impacts how we show up each day and moments within each day.  Engaging the concept does not have to be long nor deep, it only needs to be impactful, leaving you feeling restored, a better version of yourself, every time.

Dr. Newsome holds a B.S. and an MPA, both from East Carolina University; she also holds an Ed. D. in Educational Leadership, with a focus in Higher Education Administration, from Argosy University. She appreciates time to periodically blog and write articles, write poetry, watch action movies with her husband and Schnoodle, and fellowship around good food with beloved family and friends.

AACRAO Role: Vice President at Large - Board of Directors

Ari Kaufman

Associate Registrar, Berklee College of Music| Boston Conservatory at Berklee

Ari currently  serves as Associate Registrar of Berklee College of Music | Boston Conservatory at Berklee. With over 22 years of experience in the Office of the Registrar, Ari has a strong customer service focus while providing expertise in the areas of compliance, querying, reporting, registration, systems troubleshooting, curriculum management, and degree audit. Ari has been AACRAO's Vice President for Finance of AACRAO since 2022.  He is also Past President and former Treasurer of New England ACRAO (NEACRAO).  Ari has written for AACRAO’s College and University (C&U) periodical on the topic of student data security and recently presented at Oklahoma ACRAO on the topic of career and professional development. Prior to his career in higher education administration, Ari worked as a CPA in the audit function at Ernst & Young and he also taught financial accounting at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 


AACRAO Role: Vice President for Finance - Board of Directors

photo of jacki carter

Jackie Carter

Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Washington University

I'm a St. Louis, MO native and honored to work in higher education for over two decades. I have been a part of the Washington University in St. Louis, MO community for several years. I have served in various roles, including student affairs advisor, registrar, academic advising, student development advocate, and club advisors. Two and half years ago, I transitioned into the vital inaugural Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program manager position at WashU Olin Business School. In this role, I have concentrated on enhancing the Olin community through innovative programming, community building, and an atmosphere of mutual respect and belonging. I have an unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion work as a member of the University's Diversity Delegates, Olin's Racial Equity Task Force, and many other on- and off-campus initiatives, including WashU Staff Ombuds role, Danforth Staff Council, University Sexual Harassment Investigation Board, Co-chair Diversity Inclusion Forum for Faculty and Staff, Day of Dialogue and Action, advocacy for an inclusive culture for all, and involvement with many university committees. My involvement in the community includes St. Louis Business Diversity Initiative and the Diversity Awareness Partnership. I have board membership in the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) and I am currently the President of AACRAO. I'm a 2019 alum of the WashU Professional Leadership and Network Academy and a 2019 W.E.B. DuBois Staff Mentor Award recipient, an award nominated by students. I earned a B.A. in Business Administration, an MBA degree, and a veteran of U.S. Army reserves. As a first-generation student, my focus is to ensure all individuals have access and equity within any environment. That setting is inclusive and allows one to thrive to their fullest potential. I see education as a human right that should open up opportunities for advancement. I know an inclusive environment will allow anyone to thrive to their fullest potential. I love traveling, live music, cycling, and sporting events with my husband. I love enjoying creating infinite memories filled with joy and laughter with friends and family.

AACRAO Role: Past President - Board of Directors

Interview with Jackie Carter

Headshot of Ken Sharp.

Dr. Ken Sharp

Ken Sharp is a higher education professional with more than 20 years of higher education administrative experience at two-year and four-year institutions. His administrative experience spans all aspects of finance and administrative services including financial management, budgeting, human resource management, information technology, facilities management, strategic planning and project management.

In addition to his administrative experience, Ken has more than 20 years of teaching experience focusing on statistics, economics and finance and has taught both online and face-to-face classes. Before transitioning to full-time teaching in 2015, Dr. Sharp served as an Associate Dean of Finance and Administration at the University of Colorado Denver as well as serving in Director and Associate Director of Finance and Administration positions at the University of Colorado Denver and the Pima County Community College District.

Headshot of Sasha Suzuki.

Sasha Suzuki

Associate University Registrar

Sasha currently serves as the Associate University Registrar at Wake Forest University.  Her prior experiences in higher education also include working with student-athletes, academic advising, and orientation.  She has a BA in Political Science and MA in Human Services from Wake Forest University.  

Sasha has been a member of AACRAO since attending her first Annual Meeting in Baltimore in 2015.  She is the vice-chair of the Member Engagement Committee (formerly Mentor Services) and is a member of the Registration and Academic Support Committee, Women’s Caucus, Asian American and Pacific Islander Caucus, and most recently served on the Transfer Student Success Workgroup.

photo of Emily D. Campion, PhD

Emily D. Campion, PhD

Consultant, Campion Services, Inc|Assistant Professor, Management, Old Dominion

Emily D. Campion, PhD is a consultant with Campion Services, Inc and an Assistant Professor of Management at Old Dominion University.