Gloria R. Nathanson Research Fund for International Education
The Nathanson Fund supports country or education system research conducted by AACRAO members in order to further the body of knowledge in the field of comparative international education and credential evaluation.
The number of projects funded and the amount of funding vary each year depending on the ongoing funding level to the program. Awards of up to $1000 will be made to support travel expenses, research materials, or other direct costs related to research. Smaller requests may be more likely to be funded.
Types of Projects to be funded:
- Full Country Profile
- Substantive Country updates
- White Papers on subjects of interest
Funded projects will be published and distributed through AACRAO’s existing sources, which includes the AACRAO EDGE database, AACRAO print and electronic publications, presentations and webinars.
Submit Proposal
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed by the International Research Advisory Committee (IRAC) in coordination with the Deputy Director. Reviewers will be asked to evaluate proposals based on the following criteria:
Scholarly Merit and Professional Impact
- Does the proposal provide a compelling argument for the research?
- Will the proposed work lead to a significant contribution to the field of study?
- Who is the audience for the proposed work, and why will they value it?
- Would this project lead to publication, and in what mediums?
Clarity of Proposal
- Is the text of the proposal well-written and aimed at appropriate audiences?
- Does the proposal appropriately acknowledge the current body of scholarship that exists on the topic?
- Does the proposal provide a clear statement of overall project objectives?
- Are the proposed methodologies clearly described (avoiding jargon and unexplained acronyms)?
- Does the proposal provide clear and specific budget information?

About Gloria R. Nathanson
Gloria was Associate Director for Undergraduate Admission and Relations with Schools at UCLA. Her position at UCLA focused on coordination of international selection, development of recruitment and marketing publications, organization budget and planning, policy development and special project oversight and management. She also participated in University of California system-wide policy and planning committees including undergraduate international admission at the UC campuses.
Gloria has been an active member of AACRAO and NAFSA, serving as AACRAO Vice President for International Education from 2000 to 2003. She has written numerous publications on international admission and given presentations at regional, national and international conferences. From 2012 to 2014, she served as Chair of the AACRAO Task Force on International Admission and Credential Evaluation culminating in a report to the AACRAO Board of Directors in 2014.
Throughout her career, she has been an advocate for the profession of international education and a mentor to many, taking the opportunities available to encourage and support others in the field.
AACRAO International Research: The Next Generation
A webinar covering the types of research and the benefits of getting involved.
View Webinar