When first introduced, dual enrollment and early-middle college programs were often implemented as a strategy to increase the availability of post-secondary education to under-represented and underserved populations (i.e. students of color and students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds). However, in fact, those taking greatest advantage of these programs are overwhelmingly white and from more economically privileged households.
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The hot topic is "ethical parenting" in the college admissions process.
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“Many of the dimensions we focus on in GEM are exactly the same as in SEM: how do you identify and connect with students; how do you walk them through the funnel so they apply and yield; once they’re on campus, how do you retain them through graduation; and how do you maintain a connection with them as alumni, as well?” said Dennis Livesay, Dean and Professor in the College of Engineering at Wichita State University (WSU).
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"As long as we are still providing place based education, then the place matters." How are you presenting your "place"?
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Words of advice for members attending AACRAO Annual Meeting
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The LEAD initiative, launched at the 2018 Strategic Enrollment Management Conference, will take a multi-pronged approach to identifying and preparing a diverse group of senior enrollment management officers (SEMO) to take on leadership roles in Enrollment Management in North America and across the globe.
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Colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada are increasingly becoming ethno-culturally and linguistically diverse which is partially due to increasing enrollment of international students. Currently 1.4 million international students choose to study at U.S. and Canadian postsecondary educational institutions, which increased by 7.1 percent between 2015 and 2016 (Canadian Bureau of International Education, 2016; Institute of International Education, 2016).
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Incorporating performance management best practices can increase your team’s performance by 40%
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An evidence-rich environment is critical to sound decision making and is the foundation upon which all Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) plans ought to be built. According to Harrington, Hoffhehr, and Reid (1998): "Numbers help you answer the three basic questions concerning every decision: (1) Am I getting the results I want? (2) Is there too much variation in the results I get? and (3) Are the results I get stable over time."
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The new guide on holistic admissions, Understanding Holistic Review in Higher Education Admissions, Guiding Principles and Model Illustration (College Board/Education Counsel), cites AACRAO Consulting’s Michele Sandlin and William Sedlacek on issues around intersectionality of multiple factors, such as character, perseverance, and other noncognitive variables.
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Studies on opportunities for students, college spending, staffing management and more.
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AACRAO is seeking volunteers for the Editorial Board of SEM Quarterly Journal.
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In the most recent episode of AACRAO's Admit It podcast, James Miller interviews Michael Benitez, University of Puget Sound Chief Diversity Officer and nationally recognized diversity and inclusion expert, on how admissions offices and diversity offices on college campuses can work more closely and effectively together. They discussed such intriguing and intractable questions as:
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AACRAO and the National Student Clearinghouse have long been important partners in helping institutions comply with federal regulations and on other significant higher education initiatives.
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In AACRAO’s January 2019 issue of SEM Quarterly, Executive vice president of Access, Learning and Success of Cuyahoga Community College, Karen Miller writes an article titled: “Leading through Change to Increase Success and Completion”.
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AACRAO’s January 2019 SEM Quarterly features the article “Excess Credit Accumulation: An Examination of Contributing Factors for First-Time Bachelor’s Degree Earner”, which discusses how AACRAO partnered with a large public university in the southwestern United States to observe a multi-year data set and to complete a student survey in an effort to gain an understanding into variables that contribute to excess credit accumulation at graduation. To access the full study and results, click here.
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