No matter how much social media the new generation uses, they still rely on computers and emails for educational matters.
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College friendships--sometimes they can be responsible for changing your worldview.
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Mike Reilly discusses the College Affordability Act.
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Dr. Rodney Parks, University Registrar and Assistant to the Provost, Alexander Taylor, Assistant Registrar for Communications, and Hannah Schulz, a third-year student at Elon University in Elon, North Carolina, co-authored an article in AACRAO’s summer 2019 College & University Journal.
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Text message-based behavioral nudging is shown to have positive effects on student persistence.
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The Operation Varsity Blues criminal conspiracy, as nicknamed by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), has overwhelmed higher education admissions offices for the past seven months since it broke in March of 2019. This scandal has been frustrating for the admissions offices because even though the transgressions were not perpetrated by their offices or staff, it has been labeled an admissions scandal.
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Most of the American and Canadian higher education infrastructure is based upon the completion of discrete courses in pursuit of an overall credential (certificate or degree). Curriculum is divided into courses, each carrying specific credits, and courses can be combined into any number of possible credentials.
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Over the last three years, AACRAO Research has published updated career profiles of three of the most common professions of our members -- Registrars (2018), Chief Enrollment Management Officers (CEMO) (2017), and Chief Admissions Officers (CAO) (2019).
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Robust transfer articulation tables save academic advisors and registrar staff an immense amount of time annually. Consider how often we are asked annually how credit will transfer to our institutions. As stackable credentials become mainstream, institutions will begin looking for ways to recruit students with non-traditional education and award academic credit in the hopes the student will matriculate and complete a degree.
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As a member of a team, you understand the value of working together and sharing ideas, thoughts, and processes to accomplish a common goal. This collaborative effort is integral to implementing SEM strategies on your campus.
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It has been a busy summer for me collecting data on the career profiles of chief admission officers, freshman admission processes, transcript practices and prior learning assessment policy and practice.
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"We've moved beyond the FERPA law which is 'can we' to 'should we'?"
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Oftentimes, the relationship between the Registrar and Institutional Research may be nonexistent -- or possibly even adversarial. But collaboration between the two can yield amazing results, as exemplified by the experience at Wichita State University (WSU)
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In the July 2019 issue of Strategic Enrollment Management Quarterly, we authored an article titled “Developing the Two-Way Practitioner-Researcher Loop for Enrollment Management.” In this article, we asserted that enrollment management (EM) officers should continue their efforts to use empirical research findings to guide their professional practice as it prevents EM officers from “shooting from the hip” or trial-and-error forms of professional action.
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A state institution serving almost 40,000 students, Utah Valley University enrolls a significant number of new students each year. However, some of their processes were “clunky,” said Andrew Stone, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, and there was a clear need to improve the onboarding experience.
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Bontrager and Green (2012) have delineated a structure for Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) planning that has been used successfully on hundreds of campuses. The importance of tying the SEM plan to the institutional strategic plan, building the plan’s foundation on data, focusing on the strategic rather than the shiny are all carefully explained.
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In The Gazette’s article, University of Iowa VP warns of 'profound' drop-in student numbers over next decade, the University of Iowa’s Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and AACRAO Senior Consultant, Dr. Brent Gage, discusses the long-term outlook for higher education, which predicts that there will be a large drop in high school graduates nationally by 2029.
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"There are a lot of different ways to conduct UAT, probably as many ways as there are different types of institutions. The only wrong way is to not do it."
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Graduates list their biggest regrets, surveying off-task technology usage in the classroom and more.
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