SEM Quarterly provides knowledge and insight into the ongoing evolution of Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) by bridging the gap between theory and practice.
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The Chronicle of Higher Education’s article, ‘Better, Not Bigger’: As Private Colleges Hunger for Students, One University Slims Down focuses on private colleges and their goal to increase enrollment in a time when enrollment numbers are starting to dwindle
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In November 2018 AACRAO began work on the development of a multi-pronged approach to identify and prepare a diverse group of enrollment leaders to take on leadership roles in Enrollment Management in North America and across the globe. Appropriately named, Leaders in Enrollment Advancing Diversity (LEAD)
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Inside Higher Ed features an article that includes AACRAO Consultant and Vice President for Enrollment Management at Frostburg State University, Arlene Cash entitled Admissions Push: After May 1. Cash, along with Kristen Bowers, Associate Dean of Admissions at Cazenovia College,
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Dr. Rodney Parks, University Registrar and Assistant to the Provost, and Alexander Taylor, Assistant Registrar for Communications at Elon University in Elon, North Carolina, co-authored an article in AACRAO’s spring 2019 College & University Journal. The article titled: The Emerging Role of the Registrar in Enrollment Management
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AACRAO Senior Consultant Dr. Wendy Kilgore has written an article in AACRAO’s spring 2019 College & University Journal titled: AACRAO Research: A Year in Review 2018.
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In AACRAO’s spring 2019 College & University Journal, Special Advisor to the Vice President of Student Affairs and Director of Enrollment Management at New Jersey City University, Jeffrey P. Levine, writes an article titled: Leading Internal Communication from Enrollment Management throughout New Academic Program Implementation.
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Author and Associate Vice President, Enrollment & Campus Operating Officer for York Technical College, Monique Perry writes an article in AACRAO’s spring 2019 College & University Journal titled: Don't Let Your Calling Catch Up with You: The Importance of Self-Care.
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In AACRAO’s spring 2019 College & University Journal, AACRAO Senior Consultant Dr. Jeff von Munkwitz-Smith sits down with the University of Minnesota’s Director of the Office of Student Finance for Academic Resources and AACRAO Past President, Tina Falkner,
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In AACRAO’s spring 2019 College & University Journal, AACRAO Managing Consultant Michele Sandlin writes an article titled: An Admissions/Enrollment Imperative for Predicting Student Success,
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Over the course of the last 14 years, I have both served as a Registrar and conducted several dozen registrar’s office reviews as an AACRAO consultant. It is with this perspective that I offer the following. An external review provides another set of eyes on the complex and far-reaching practice wheelhouse associated with the registrar’s office.
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Regardless of political affiliation, most Americans recognize that higher education is valuable.
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Words of advice: "Don't just consider this a trans-issue...our international community also really takes advantage of this" as do other groups.
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Increasingly our campuses are looking to their enrollment managers to assist with, or lead, their long-term campus enrollment planning, address budgetary challenges, and meet the demands and expectations of your students, Board members, legislature, and the public.
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Enrollment rates in post-secondary education is growing among certain groups.
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One of the ongoing considerations with FERPA on campus is training. With new staff, faculty and students arriving on a regular basis, people changing roles that might impact their use of or access to student data, and the desire to stay current, training seems to be never-ending. And, to some extent, that’s true. However, that doesn’t mean that it needs to be a daunting task. Taking a planful approach can make all the difference.
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The Eighth Annual Groningen Declaration Network (GDN) Meeting was held in the city of Puebla, Mexico, April 24-26, 2019, at the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), located in the iconic UNESCO world heritage city of Puebla. It was a bilingual event, with simultaneous interpretation being offered in English and Spanish, for the first time since its establishment.
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Legislation to roll back 2012 FERPA regulations and ensure students' private information is not disclosed to third parties.
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In “Being Strategic with Multicultural Recruitment,” a session at AACRAO 2019, Monze Stark-Magana, University of Idaho; Alphonso Garrett, Virginia Tech; and Michael Sanders, Missouri Southern State University, shared ways they’ve helped their schools increase multicultural student enrollment.
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AACRAO worked closely with Congressional offices to ensure legislation increases the flexibility to complete an assessment of student records while still adhering to FERPA standards.
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