Tools, methods, and approaches to help you focus and operate more efficiently
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As higher education professionals, our chief mission is to provide an optimal educational environment. We are enabled to do that if our institution is healthy, a state usually reached when our enrollment meets our expectations. Thanks to the pandemic, our status and our expectations are now a matter of new and uneasy speculation.
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Dear Somebody…please let it be you!
Everyone is aware of the recent racial and social injustice events that have taken place in our nation. If you have never heard the names George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, use a simple google search or go back through history to other notable civil rights activists such as Representative John Lewis, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Martin Luther King, Jr to determine what we are fighting for. Racial inequality tensions escalated this past May with the death of George Floyd and the involvement of four police officers in Minneapolis. Various industries began issuing response statements, and Institutions of Higher Education were not an exception.
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"One thing that is clear from the initial review is that our members are experiencing elevated levels of stress professionally and are both feeling burnout and observing burnout in their co-workers."
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Higher education is in the midst of a “test-optional revolution,” according to Michele Sandlin, Managing Consultant, AACRAO Consulting.
“With the College Board and ACT unable to do college entrance exams due to the pandemic, a huge volume of schools are going test-optional,” Sandlin said. “Some are saying that change will be temporary, but a lot of predictions are that test-optional is here to stay.”
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Join AACRAO Consultant James Miller, Director of Admissions at Seattle University, on Friday, September 18th from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT as he hosts an AACRAO Coffee Break about how you and your colleagues are meeting recruitment challenges this fall.
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In unpredictable times, institutions must be able to plan and respond nimbly. A well-developed Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) plan can be enormously helpful in this undertaking.
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Pivot is the name of the game right now, even in how assessments are carried out.
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When engaging in Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) planning, we strive for 20/20 vision by utilizing an assessment-rich approach.
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“People, things, and events can seem to come to life in the archive.” This sentiment feels acutely true of Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home, a graphic memoir that attempts to make sense of her father’s life, death, and queerness.
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Effective change management is essential to successfully implementing Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM). In the latest SEM Quarterly, authors Clayton Smith, Janet Hyde, Tina Falkner, and Christine Kerlin provide an overview of change management in higher education, identifying levels of change management and how to manifest change in institutions.
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Higher education’s response to the pandemic and rising social movements is likely to shape institutions for years, even decades, to come. Decisions at this time may have lasting, and sometimes unintended, consequences.
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Admit It, the AACRAO admissions podcast, is back with Season 2.
The first episode features Dr. William (Bill) E. Sedlacek and focuses on "noncognitive assessments," a term that is not without controversy. These are non-traditional measures of students' potential to succeed that move away from solely defining "best students" by known scales such as GPA, test scores, leadership, involvement, and accomplishments and instead attempt to assess who students are as people. Many campuses already use a holistic admissions process, which may include gauging a student's positive sense of self, realistic self-appraisal, and more.
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"The reality about your students, particularly if you have an applicant pool that is diverse socioeconomically, is that your students are doing hidden but Herculean and unbelievable things every single day. And that fact of the matter is that they don't talk about those things in college applications [...]."
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Students are perhaps more perceptive and realistic when it comes to transferred credits than one would expect.
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AACRAO's Associate Executive Director, Consulting and SEM, Dr. Tom Green was quoted in EdSurge's recent article, "As Colleges Move Away from the SAT, Will Admissions Algorithms Step In?"
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In the latest episode of AACRAO's Admit It podcast, host James Miller interviews Dr. William Sedlacek on noncognitive assessment and how it can be used to predict success in higher education. Many institutions have successfully implemented noncognitive assessment as a part of their admissions process. Referred to as holistic or broad-based admissions, this process is a method of identifying and admitting students, beyond evaluation of GPA and test scores, who can thrive at an institution.
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