"The journey to being an anti-racist is not simple. Regardless of your race, gender, ethnicity, age and/or religion, travelling this road is a complex process."
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AACRAO condemns the discrimination and hate crimes directed at Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
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This article seeks to make the case for how relationships are essential to meeting the tapestry of student needs by examining experiences and challenges of several student threads in that tapestry, using both two-year and four-year institutional perspectives.
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Parchment, the industry leader in academic credentials management, is launching Parchment Award - CLR Services. This service will enable higher education institutions to design, implement, and issue Comprehensive Learner Records (CLRs).
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Many researchers have written about strategic enrollment management in the institutional academic context, emphasizing the importance of faculty and staff partnerships in meeting enrollment goals. In a new study, researchers Clayton Smith and Lisa Harris interviewed faculty members and chief enrollment managers at 19 postsecondary institutions about the most effective ways for faculty to be involved in SEM.
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It's not you - the pandemic is taking its toll on everyone, including your students.
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It seems the immediate concern on campus is spring and fall course delivery, with little thought of COVID-19 vaccination policies.
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Let's talk about the implications of the Jan 6, 2021 attack on US democracy, how it affects our institutions, and encourages people of good will to be active and engaged in their response.
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Since 2015, AACRAO has been leading the charge in the development of a Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR). In this episode we’ll talk with Tom Green and Mark McConahay about the history of the project, the various stages of development, where we are today, and what’s next.
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Congress confirmed President-elect Joe Biden's victory early Thursday morning, after the normally ceremonial ritual exploded into chaos as a mob stormed and occupied the U.S. Capitol building.
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Holistic Admissions: Predicting the Likelihood of Student Success combines holistic theories with case studies to illustrate the complete picture of holistic admissions. It provides solid examples of how to implement consistent, legal, and manageable assessments to help in selecting successful students.
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Sometimes registrars find it difficult to explain to people who don’t work in a registrar’s office what exactly a registrar does. And sometimes a video comes along that not only explains it but does so in an hilarious way.
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One last bit of research before the holidays begin.
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How are you changing the way you communicate with prospective students?
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AACRAO Consultant Dr. Laura Wankel and Susan A. Ambrose’s book, Higher Education’s Road to Relevance was released in summer 2020.
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Getting students to follow through isn’t easy. Whether applying for financial aid, registering for classes, or paying bills, they can seem frustratingly indifferent to requirements and deadlines. And this truism is only exacerbated by the stresses of the pandemic.
So, how can you encourage students to take steps toward their academic goals?
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Deploying the expertise and experience of AACRAO Consulting, the AACRAO Board is in the final stages of a year-long process of developing a new strategic plan.
Most recently, consultants Stan Henderson and Tomikia LeGrande spent the summer gathering feedback via focus groups with various AACRAO stakeholders, including AACRAO staff and leadership (i.e. PAC Chairs, Program Committee, task force and committee chairs, caucus chairs, and state & regional leaders), and will report their findings to the Board next week.
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