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Understanding these plans' distinct roles and the leadership involved is essential for aligning enrollment efforts with an institution's overarching mission and goals.
Adapting to recent Supreme Court changes regarding college admissions. Resources, strategies, and more.
Practical strategies and steps that enrollment leaders should consider in light of the court’s upcoming decision.
Learn more about the SEM session "Culture at the Heart: An Integrated Indigenous Approach to SEM Development"
Presenter, Erin Mason, discusses building campus culture and shared learning.
Modernizing the admissions and advising process to create a seamless experience for students.
6 components of a successful training program.
One institution used both synchronous and asynchronous events to meet students where they are.
BLM and a global pandemic accelerate the push to test-optional.
And how to develop a fair and legal holistic process.
Getting the fundamentals down.
Noncognitive assessments help diversify enrollment and reduce reliance on standardized test scores.
Online data reports (a.k.a. “fact books”) can provide insight and visualizations across campus/es for analysis and research.
The value of a different perspective.
Graduate programs often place a disproportional emphasis on GRE, despite evidence that it may be a weak predictor of success.
Implementing a new SIS helped one university identify and break down silos.
Insights for how to maintain health, prioritize your values, and support yourself and your staff.
How one community college boosted enrollment by revamping a burdensome system.
OSU shares lessons learned during their SIS migration.
The population that could benefit the most seems to be least likely to take advantage.
Integrity, consistency and accountability are linchpins.
An OACRAO newsletter article with tips to consider.
3 simple strategies for serving students better
Learn about AACRAO's vision for "starting with the dream in mind" and share your stories.
As architects of workplace culture, managers have a role to play in addressing systemic stress.
Admit It: Ep 1 explores higher ed as a partisan issue, test optional, enrollment goal struggles, and the admissions director survey. PLUS: 8 other podcasts to boost your career.
AACRAO President (and first-time SEM Conference attendee) Tina Falkner shares her takeaways.
What SEM style is right for your organization?
Opportunities to cross train staff, improve student outreach, and build important relationships with other institutions.
SEM's opening keynote, Dr. Timothy Renick, shared the eye-opening paradigm shifts and scalable strategies that revolutionized education at Georgia State.
Hosted by James Miller, the first episode of "Admit It" drops on Nov. 12th.
Leveraging data and analytics, GSU now awards more bachelor’s degrees to African Americans than any other college in the nation.
A more strategic search process can affect the entire recruitment funnel -- and beyond.
One admissions officer's effort to challenge the status quo of sitting.
Committees, meetings, and processes, oh my! Higher ed institutions aren’t generally considered nimble. But they’re going to have to change to thrive.
Cut through the complexity and clutter of leading an admissions/recruitment program and ensure the fundamentals of sustained, successful student recruitment aren't neglected.
Making a Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Strategic Plan that the whole office can rally behind.