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AACRAO's biweekly professional development e-newsletter Connect offers timely information, actionable tips, and expert guidance relevant to your career; stories about interesting colleagues doing inspiring things; and news about association services, activities and resources.

Like a virtual, on-demand AACRAO conference-between-conferences, Connect keeps professional conversations alive and helps you stay engaged with the association that advocates for and believes in your career. 

Yellow background with the word "SEMQ" in blue and green lettering.

SEM Quarterly call for authors

Jan 12, 2016

SEMQ is looking for manuscripts based on original research or practice in strategic enrollment management.

"2016" in white letters with a staircase to a door opening in the zero of 2016.

AACRAO's ambitious goals for 2016--and what they mean for you

Jan 12, 2016

5 ways AACRAO will boost higher education professionals in 2016.

Keyboard with the shift key replaced by a red button that says "survey".

Deferred action for childhood arrivals - Dissertation research survey

Jan 12, 2016

A member is asking individuals who work with unauthorized residents enrolled in higher education to take a 5-minute survey.

Headshot of Steve Merrit.

In memory of Stephen Merritt, 1956-2015

Jan 12, 2016

AACRAO member Steve Merritt passed away unexpectedly in November.

Female presenting from a podium at the front of a classroom.

Announcement of Position Opening Director, AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference

Jan 12, 2016

Application deadline is Jan. 15.

The Norwegian flag rippling in the wind at the top of a flag pole.

Norway revises academic title regulations

Jan 12, 2016

Black and white photo of an unknown male.

In memory of Stan Berry, 1923 - 2015

Jan 12, 2016

Stan Berry, longtime AACRAO member, passed away on December 18th at 92.

German keyboard with the enter key replaced by a green button that says "file transfer".

A new case for electronic transcript exchange: A homegrown SIS

Jan 12, 2016

A conversation with Susan Reyes, Director, Programmer/Analyst, Enrollment Services, member of the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee and PESC Board

Ask the FERPA Professor

Jan 12, 2016

Can a university include, as part of their annual FERPA notification to students, a statement that they will share selected records with a community college for reverse transfer purposes, thereby giving the students the choice of opting out ...

The FERPA Professor goes prime time: AACRAO's LeRoy Rooker visits with an ABC affiliate about vendor privacy concerns

Dec 16, 2015

When researching information about a local murder involving a 14-year-old student, a Washington, DC, news station found something it wasn't expecting: confidential school records available where anyone could see them.

Male in glasses looking at the camera as three others study together in the background.

Building staff capacity to support undocumented youth

Dec 15, 2015

How Chicago is working to improve training for counselors.

Open book and a wooden gavel next to it.

Uncertainty in the Post-Fisher Era

Dec 15, 2015

Admissions leaders are faced with more questions than answers.

People's arms holding up signs with various words written on them related to social media.

Social Media Maven: Talking with WVU's strategist about lessons learned

Dec 15, 2015

Observe trends to capitalize on your social media campaigns.

Event space full of people sitting at circular tables with plates of food visible.

2015 Leadership Meeting

Dec 15, 2015

The AACRAO Board of Directors, Annual Meeting Program Committee, and chairs of all the professional activity committees joined 30 state and regional association officers in Washington, DC, for the 2015 Leadership Meeting.

Photo of a small European village.

Fulbright seminar grants available for higher education professionals

Dec 15, 2015

They are currently accepting applications for October 2016 seminars in France and Germany.

Bird's eye view of a group of people working together around a large wooden table.

2 examples of cross-campus collaboration at the start of SEM planning

Dec 15, 2015

Developing an enrollment plan takes a team.

Male student glances at his peer's paper while others are taking an exam.

Recording disciplinary annotations on transcripts

Dec 14, 2015

AACRAO revisits its stance on behavioral notations

AACRAO's 2015 Year in Review

Dec 14, 2015

Professional photo of Adrian Cornelius.

6 intangibles of workplace satisfaction

Dec 14, 2015

Registrar Adrian Cornelius explores what makes work feel worthwhile.

Female in a business suit holding a sign that says "hiring" in red ink.

AACRAO Position Opening: Director, AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference

Dec 12, 2015