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According to DeMerritt, the best way to become involved in AACRAO is to step forward and say, "Use me where you need me!"
The meeting included innovative ideas such as meeting at State Parks, guests from the U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs, and the introduction of a new website.
AACRAO and NASPA: Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education released the names of the eight higher education institutions chosen to pilot a project to develop models for a more comprehensive student record, funded by Lumina Foundati ...
The FERPA Professor LeRoy Rooker rocked the Colorado School of Mines and RMACRAO.
Gabriel Serna explores the intersections of marketing, signaling, and student identity.
The goal is to develop and pilot a comprehensive student record model.
ARSEE welcomed AACRAO president Dan Garcia as a plenary speaker.
Once again, our group of higher education associations is jointly surveying its members/member institutions to gather data comparing this fall's international student enrollments with last fall's. Please complete this important survey b ...
Second NSC study reveals student mobility trends, and upcoming AACRAO webinar with Doug Shapiro focuses on these transfer patterns.
Study: Any borrowing decreased the value graduates ascribed to their college experience. An AACRAO member says that isn't the whole picture.
AACRAO Awards seek to validate personal achievement and encourage continued progress in the field.
The research also shows that traditional-age students who enroll at 2-year institutions are less likely to earn bachelor's degrees within six years than their counterparts at 4-year schools.
FERPA and volunteers