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We will deepen our engagement in international education systems research and professional development, training in international admissions, and AACRAO EDGE.
An update on the progress of a nationwide reporting system
The surveys capture information on international students in U.S. colleges and U.S. students studying abroad.
Considering issues around name, gender, opportunity and diversity.
And where are you in your development of them?
Does FERPA require us to prevent users from syncing the data to home computers?
Employee security is crucial to protecting student records.
How new overtime pay requirements might affect higher education.
Creating a transfer-friendly and technologically-savvy campus is key to meeting enrollment goals.
Do you have all five?
Challenges and opportunities
Professor Manley Begay offers insight into how institutions can support the project of nation building on tribal reservations.
Context, best practices and resources.
The International Education Administrators Program offers participants a unique perspective on education systems, a professional network that spans the globe'and is better than any vacation. Accepting applications through Feb. 1.
UCLA's Dream Resource Center celebrates diversity, withholds judgement and establishes safe spaces for sharing.
Community college education is seen by many as a solution to America's socioeconomic challenges.