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The Obama Administration has announced a new initiative to allow incarcerated Americans use federal financial aid to access postsecondary education
Why microcredentials matter in professional development.
The EducationUSA Academy is a short-term academic summer program that provides three-to-four weeks of English language courses, college preparatory content, tours of diverse colleges and universities, and cross-cultural activities to self-f ...
Can an incident report be filed in a student's permanent folder?
Registrars and admissions officers are responsible for ensuring policy compliance--and are often asked to make exceptions. A clear process will help navigate these minefields.
Digital credentials and the "next generation" transcript--and a link to download the executive summary from AACRAO's Tech/Transfer Conference.
AACRAO members react to the new application process' strengths and weaknesses.
Registrar 101 and FERPA Workshops provide the nuts and bolts of the registrar's toolkit.
Board of Directors seeks to expand training opportunities, including online international education courses.
One registrar's professional development journey is still unfolding.
An admissions professional considers staff and faculty responsibilities toward transfer students.
Highlights include core academic skills, cross cutting capabilities, behavioral skills and career navigation skills.
Higher education is at a crossroads, and upcoming legal decisions will have repercussions on campuses across the country.
Survey: Many institutions don't have documented process for unaccredited transfer credits.