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AACRAO's biweekly professional development e-newsletter Connect offers timely information, actionable tips, and expert guidance relevant to your career; stories about interesting colleagues doing inspiring things; and news about association services, activities and resources.

Like a virtual, on-demand AACRAO conference-between-conferences, Connect keeps professional conversations alive and helps you stay engaged with the association that advocates for and believes in your career. 

Illustrated figure resembling Einstein standing next to a chalk board with the word "FERPA" written on it.

Ask the FERPA Professor

Dec 13, 2016

Can students view parents' financial information?

Illustrated hands drop gold coins into a depiction of federal style building.

Field Notes: Higher Education Economics: A Source of Conflict

Dec 13, 2016

Collage of differently colored questions marks.

Key questions when evaluating foreign credentials

Nov 29, 2016

And upcoming foreign credential evaluation training opportunities.

Headshot of Garrison Keillor on the left next to a photo of an unidentified male.

Garrison Keillor and Danny Glover to talk education at the 2017 AACRAO Annual Meeting

Nov 29, 2016

Registration is open and professional opportunities abound in Minneapolis, April 2-5, 2017.

Figure holding on to the edge of a cliff with clouds in the background.

Take the EDGE off of evaluating foreign credentials

Nov 29, 2016

The go-to resource for evaluating unfamiliar foreign credentials and hands-on learning opportunities at the Institutes for International Transfer Credit.

Female of color using her laptop while light pours in through her window.

What it means to be an "Engaged Scholar in Critical Thinking"

Nov 29, 2016

A pilot student record badge that certifies critical thinking in a community context.

Black and white photo of a corrugated steel wall with a large photo of Donald Trump perched on top.

Diversity and inclusion and the new administration

Nov 29, 2016

Teach pointing at a student while standing in front of a black board at the front of a classroom.

Keep transfer students at the forefront of effective SEM planning

Nov 29, 2016

If an institution truly wishes to excel in being strategic and intentional about its enrollment and student support practices, then it must consider how transfer students are recruited and retained, with the ultimate goal of ensuring their ...

Illustrated figure resembling Einstein standing next to a chalk board with the word "FERPA" written on it.

Ask the FERPA Professor

Nov 29, 2016

When Does an Applicant Become a Student?

Photograph of a generic transcript.

SmartScript: A model competency-based transcript

Nov 23, 2016

UW-Extension and UW Colleges develop comprehensive transcript pilot for CBE degree programs.

Indiana ACRAO 2016 Conference focuses on "The Art of Collaboration"

Nov 15, 2016

Tips for pre-registering students, working with faculty, and utilizing technology and big data.

Photo of what appears to be a breakout session with people sitting in chairs that are arranged in a large circle.

Tips for student success and retention

Nov 15, 2016

William Serrata and Christine Kerlin share ideas that have worked on campuses.

Male speaker addressing an audience.

The 'Four Ps' for framing a retention strategy

Nov 15, 2016

David Kalsbeek and Jay Goff share research-based strategies for improving student persistence and completion rates.

Indiana University's collaborative effort to pre-register new and transfer students

Nov 15, 2016

A pilot project to

Photo of what appears to be a breakout session with some audience members sitting at circular table.

The faculty perspective on collaboration with registrars

Nov 15, 2016

Changing dynamics at all types of institutions are resulting in corresponding adjustments to organizational structures and reporting lines, enhancing the importance of fostering constructive relationships between faculty and administrative ...

How Purdue is using emerging technologies to improve student success

Nov 15, 2016

Globe in the center of the image with lines resembling waves visible in the background.

Comprehensive Student Records Project: A live-streamed event

Nov 15, 2016

This November 28-29, a convening will showcase the efforts of the participating institutions; what they learned and what these results mean for capturing all learning, regardless of how and where it happens.

Illustrated figure resembling Einstein standing next to a chalk board with the word "FERPA" written on it.

Ask the FERPA Professor

Nov 15, 2016

Personally identifiable information & disclosure for faculty research.

Two outlines of a human head made out of extension cords connected to lightbulbs.

Field Notes: Collaborating with information technology services in implementing technology

Nov 15, 2016

How ITS and registrars collaborate to facilitate change: One school's process.

Four people posing for a photo together while wearing various comedic hats.

The LACRAO royal court coronates exceptional colleagues

Nov 15, 2016

In the tradition of Mardi Gras royalty, the LACRAO court is fun way for admissions road warriors in the state to recognize colleagues who performed in some exceptional way during the fall travel season.