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5 ways students make that assessment
We are looking for manuscripts based on original research or practice in strategic enrollment management, demonstrating familiarity with SEM concepts.
Training'be it courses, meetings, or workshops'has intrinsic costs, both in time and money. However, there are short- and long-term benefits to furthering professional development.
It takes both art and science, and there's no one-size-fits all recipe, but here are 4 important considerations.
When colleagues such as a Registrar and Director of Advising co-learn, benefits are exponential, says Darcy Briggs from Arapahoe Community College.
Enroll between Aug. 11 and Sept. 11.
How to get strategic enrollment management buy-in at your institution
Baden-W├╝rttemberg Seminar participants selected.
3 tips to get the whole campus--from student services to enrollment staff--on board.
You are invited to participate in the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (Canada) survey on the experiences of postsecondary institutions.
The EU's "most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years."
Student communication protocol loopholes
A report from the June ENIC-NARIC meeting in Copenhagen.
7 steps to ease military credit transfer and tips for raising faculty awareness of the transfer process.
Turning one-off instances of faculty innovations into scalable solutions for all.
Are completed and graded exams part of a student's educational record?
The key elements and outcomes of an effective mission statement.
Gen Z students want authentic interactions -- in bite-size servings.
When fall arrives, you'll be prepared.
Is your institution a good candidate for electronic exchange? That are several options.