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AACRAO's biweekly professional development e-newsletter Connect offers timely information, actionable tips, and expert guidance relevant to your career; stories about interesting colleagues doing inspiring things; and news about association services, activities and resources.

Like a virtual, on-demand AACRAO conference-between-conferences, Connect keeps professional conversations alive and helps you stay engaged with the association that advocates for and believes in your career. 

illustrated figures help one another climb a staircase made out of books

6 evidence-based factors to support student success

May 16, 2017

Findings from the Student Support (Re)defined project, with a particular focus on African-American and Latino learners.

Photo of people smiling around a dinner table in what appears to be a private residence.

7 formal recommendations on international student data portability

May 16, 2017

AACRAO International participated in the Groningen Declaration Network Symposium on Credential Evaluation Professional Issues hosted at the University of Melbourne, Australia, in April 2017.

Ask the FERPA Professor

May 16, 2017

Questions about cloud-based document managers.

Image that says "10%" in 3-D blue lettering.

Transfer students: 10 percent is the magic number

May 15, 2017

Do you work with transfer students or use technology to recruit or manage students?

Figure taking notes while working on their laptop.

Engaging student workers in the Registrar's Office

May 15, 2017

Elon University's Rodney Parks offers strategies for attracting highly motivated students to the business side of higher education.

Four pencils made out of rainbow colored hands.

AACRAO seeks volunteers for the Editorial Board of SEM Quarterly Journal

May 5, 2017

To indicate your interest, please send a resume or CV by May 15.

Introducing the new SEM-EP Adjunct Faculty

May 2, 2017

Meet these four helpful SEM experts, and learn how the endorsement program can help your professional development.

Illustration of a student in graduation cap and gown speaking from a podium on a stage in front of an audience of fellow graduating students.

From degree audits to diplomas

May 2, 2017

Essential information for planning graduation ceremonies.

Photo of a group of Trump supporters who are holding up signs and wearing MAGA apparel.

The New Reality for Higher Education

May 2, 2017

Trump Administration, the 115th Congress, and what it all means.

Infographic containing various statistics and charts.

Good charts: The competitive imperative

May 2, 2017

The must-have skill to communicate with colleagues, supervisors, trustees, and students.

Photo of an asphalt road through a desert with the double-yellow line extending into the distance where a road block is visible.

The "Trump Effect" and fall 2017 international applications

May 2, 2017

AACRAO's "Eye on Research" blog covers recent, relevant higher ed research.

Illustration of a figure working on a laptop with their phone, glasses, a coffee, and writing utensils visible on top of a turquoise background.

Retaining online students through integrated services

May 2, 2017

Services, relationships, and quality of interactions help students to feel like they matter.

Ask the FERPA Professor

May 2, 2017

Questions about communicating with high schools about students who have applied.

Four females sitting together on a concrete step.

Women in higher ed: The journey to leadership

Apr 18, 2017

Many women face a labyrinth of barriers on their path to leadership.

Setting the Standard for Graduate Admissions: Three-year degrees and other admissions challenges

Apr 18, 2017

2017 AICE Minneapolis Symposium

Photo of people smiling around a dinner table in what appears to be a private residence.

Intensive China & India Workshop

Apr 18, 2017

World map with people drawing on the map or in notebooks around the outer edge of the image.

International Transcript Exchange: The New Frontier

Apr 18, 2017

Crowd of silhouetted hands raised in the sky as they hold rainbow pride flags.

An Inclusive Campus for All

Apr 18, 2017

Older male counsels a younger female.

4 counselor outreach opportunities

Apr 18, 2017

Developing relationships with high school and community college counselors can enhance recruitment and outreach plans.

Wooden stamp of the word "rights".

Transfer Guidelines: The Joint Statement of Transfer and a Transfer Student Bill of Rights

Apr 18, 2017

The Transfer Student Bill of Rights will be similar to the Military Bill of Rights.