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AACRAO's biweekly professional development e-newsletter Connect offers timely information, actionable tips, and expert guidance relevant to your career; stories about interesting colleagues doing inspiring things; and news about association services, activities and resources.

Like a virtual, on-demand AACRAO conference-between-conferences, Connect keeps professional conversations alive and helps you stay engaged with the association that advocates for and believes in your career. 

Use the AACRAO Competencies to set professional development New Year's Resolutions

Feb 7, 2017

10 tips for assessing and building your and your staff's professional competencies in 2017.

Photo of William Gil smiling.

AACRAO welcomes William Gil as the Director of Government Relations

Feb 7, 2017

AACRAO's seat at the table with the presidential administration and Congress.

Ask the FERPA Professor

Feb 6, 2017

What if a professor uses a non-university email account?

Ten ways to use AACRAO competencies with your 2017 New Year's Resolution: Part two

Feb 6, 2017

Detailed strategies for making 2017 the year of professional development.

Female of color wearing a purple top smiling while standing with her arms folded.

Seeking faculty for AACRAO SEM-EP

Feb 6, 2017

The Strategic Enrollment Management Endorsement Program

The phrase "we need you" written on pieces of paper hung by colorful clips on a string.

Become more involved in AACRAO!

Feb 6, 2017

6 reasons to present a session at an AACRAO conference

Yellow trend arrow oscillating from low to high with various symbols such as a lightbulb, calendar, and clock in the background.

Considerations when implementing or upgrading your SIS

Feb 6, 2017

Three strategies to help your student information system succeed.

Female wipes her face presumably out of stress or anguish.

Field Notes: Introverts and extroverts in the workplace

Feb 6, 2017

In general, an individual's work performance will be best when the level of stimulation in the work environment matches his or her own needs.

Evaluating international transfer credit

Feb 6, 2017

AACRAO Institutes address common questions.

Registrars discuss the Transcript of the Future

Feb 6, 2017

Earlier this month, the University of Michigan brought 15 registrars from top institutions together to for an Academic Innovation event they called The Transcript of the Future.

Wooden blocks with letters spelling "boost your brand" next to a mug of coffee.

How registrars can make a difference for transgendered students

Jan 24, 2017

Two considerations--housing and pronouns--can send a strong message.

Yellow progress bar at roughly 70% complete with the text "solution loading" above the bar.

Share your knowledge and experience

Jan 24, 2017

AACRAO is currently accepting session proposals for the 2017 SEM Conference.

Two laptops with chaotic blue lines connecting their two screens and the following text off to one side; "AACRAO SPEEDE committee executive summary".

AACRAO SPEEDE Committee Executive Summary: October-December 2016

Jan 24, 2017

Diverse group of students smiling in celebration as they all wear their graduation caps and gowns.

Supporting the success of undocumented students

Jan 24, 2017

How to identify and respond to the unique and emerging needs of DACA students, refugees, and more.

Ask the FERPA Professor

Jan 24, 2017

Can consultants access student records?

Hands pointing to various papers and notes scattered on on a wooden surface.

Key elements of a successful SEM plan

Jan 23, 2017

First step: Know why you're doing it.

Wooden blocks with letters spelling "boost your brand" next to a mug of coffee.

How a professional endorsement can boost your career

Jan 10, 2017

Professionals reflect on how SEM-EP deepens professional understanding, readiness, and visibility.

Students sitting and working on the steps of a white atrium with blurred people walking past.

Technology and Transfer: What's happening on your campus?

Jan 10, 2017

Have you found or developed a technology solution to better serve your campus and students? Do you have a unique and effective way to recruit and retain transfer students?

Female of color looking at assorted documents with her laptop open next to her.

AACRAO seeks volunteers for the Editorial Board of College University Journal

Jan 10, 2017

At the request of the Editor-in-Chief, members of the board review feature/research articles submitted to the journal.

Female of color encouraging a young student by placing a hand on the student's shoulder.

Building a healthy campus community

Jan 10, 2017

How partnerships between teaching and learning and health promotion can improve student retention and success.