Colleges and universities have the responsibility of preparing students for a global society. Higher Education is more than content and curriculum; it has been promoted as an opportunity to improve people’s lives. One of the many roles of higher
education is to encourage an engaged citizenry that is knowledgeable about their communities and how to make them better.
Research confirms socializing with individuals of different ethnic, cultural or religious backgrounds contributes positively
to a student’s cognitive and academic development, intellectual self-confidence and self-esteem. As educators we must create a campus culture that is accessible, anti-racist, and inclusive because it is an ethical, legal, professional, and moral
imperative. This is not about highlighting one race or social group over another but about everyone being seen and treated as equals when it comes to valuing their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Therefore, access and diversity
is not just about race or ethnicity. It also includes socio-economic status, religion and gender identity and calls for us to treat all people fairly and equitably. In order for this to happen we are calling for AACRAO and our members to pledge to take
action by establishing policies, practices and initiatives that promote access, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism at the association as well as on their respective campuses. We must pull together for meaningful conversation, strategy, organization, and