Current Committees

AACRAO content and programming, as well as AACRAO peer networks, are led by volunteer leaders.  Current Governance Committees, Professional Activities Committees, and Caucuses are listed below.

Governance Committees

  • Nominations and Elections Committee

    Elected by the membership, the Nominations and Elections Committee solicits calls for nominations for the Board of Directors and for the Nominations and Elections ballot from the AACRAO membership, and also presents a slate of officers to the membership for Board of Directors vacancies and conducts an election for the Nominations and Elections Committee.


  • Board of Directors

    Elected by the membership, the AACRAO Board of Directors sets policy and guidelines for the association; includes Administrative, AACRAO Annual Meeting hotel and site selection, and all association Task Forces, Work Groups, and Committees.


  • Annual Meeting Program Committee
    Led by a program Chair and Co-Chair and the Professional Activity Committee Group Coordinators, the Annual Meeting Program Committee develops the program for the Annual Meeting by soliciting, reviewing, and selecting session proposals, assisting presenters with session development, and setting the final session program.  

Past President

  • Awards Committee

    The Awards committee recognizes the outstanding professional development activities of AACRAO members, State & Regional Associations, and AACRAO contributors through a variety of awards, including Honorary Membership. The Awards committee also approves member applications for Scholarships and Grants to attend the annual meeting. The Awards committee seeks members to ensure a broad representation of the diversity of its institutions and individual members. Committee members should have previous AACRAO experience and have an understanding of the level of commitment needed to be an engaged member of AACRAO.

Professional Activities Committees

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Group 1: Admissions and Enrollment Management

  • Admissions Policies and Practices Committee

    The Admissions Policies and Practices Committee makes AACRAO members cognizant of existing, developing, and in-place processing systems; provides services relating to new developments and techniques in hardware, software, and office practices which enhance admissions systems.

  • Enrollment Management and Retention Committee

    The Enrollment Management and Retention Committee promotes an understanding of the institutional enrollment management concept, and develops and promotes effective techniques to predict outcomes and assess results.

  • Financial Aid and Enrollment Services Committee

    The Financial Aid and Enrollment Services Committee promotes communication and awareness of issues which link financial aid to the recruitment, admissions, enrollment, and retention activities in postsecondary educational institutions.

  • Recruitment and Marketing Committee

    The Recruitment and Marketing Committee promotes and increases the understanding of professionally acceptable methods of attracting and enrolling various constituent student groups, and facilitates the exchange of methodologies and techniques used in recruitment and marketing.

  • Transfer and Articulation Committee

    The Transfer and Articulation Committee promotes communication and articulation between secondary and postsecondary educational institutions.

Group 2: International Education

  • Education Abroad Committee

    The Education Abroad Committee plans and presents programs dealing with education abroad by US students that are timely and of interest to AACRAO members, and also facilitates professional development by planning workshops and producing resource materials.

  • International Admissions Committee

    The International Admissions Committee sponsors workshops on international admissions; writes, edits, and maintains resource materials in the international admissions area; and plans the international educators luncheon at the Annual Meeting.

  • International Recruitment and Marketing Committee

    The International Recruitment and Marketing Committee addresses specific and emerging issues affecting international exchanges and international student services at U.S. colleges and universities. Examples of issues include, but are not limited to, recruitment, orientation, housing, and immigration tracking.

  • International Research Advisory Committee

    The International Research Advisory Committee (IRAC) is responsible for advising and determining research needs in the international education field as well as recruiting and selecting authors and researchers.

Group 3: Records and Academic Services

  • Academic Progress Committee

    The Academic Progress Committee provides programming and information related to articulation agreements, transfer credit articulation, non-traditional credit evaluation, determination of academic standing, degree audits, catalogs, academic calendars, and final exam schedules.

  • Graduation Committee

    The Graduation Committee develops programming and information related to commencement exercises, graduation event management, and diploma practices.

  • Records and Services for Distinct Populations Committee

    The Records and Services for Distinct Populations Committee develops programming and promotes policies and best practices relating to services provided to students and faculty in non-traditional education programs and populations including but not limited to adult learners, the military and veterans (including certifications), students with disabilities, online and other distance education programs, certificate programs (both undergraduate and graduate), and learning communities.

  • Registration and Academic Support Committee

    The Registration and Academic Support Committee develops programming that promotes improvements in registration techniques, specifically in the areas of registration, orientation, academic advising support, facilities management, and course schedules.

  • Student Academic Records Committee

    The Student Academic Records Committee develops programming and information regarding grading systems, grade processing, records management and retention, credentials fraud, office and records security, transcript practices, enrollment certification, athletic eligibility, student directories, and institutional reports.

  • Prior Learning Assessment and Alternative Credit and Credentials Committee

    The Prior Learning Assessment and Alternative Credit and Credentials Committee develops programming on offering, evaluating, and applying learning by non-traditional means. Topics may include, but are not limited to, prior learning assessments (PLAs), military credit, competency-based education (CBE), credit-by-examination, portfolio assessments, certificates, micro-credentials and badging.

Group 4: Leadership and Management Development

  • Federal Compliance Committee

    The Federal Compliance Committee assists members in understanding and complying with federal higher education laws and associated reporting requirements.

  • Member Engagement Committee

    The Member Engagement Committee coordinates activities and sessions that orient AACRAO members and attendees at the annual meeting, including Experience AACRAO; promotes mentoring among members to support the professional success of individuals and to strengthen leadership succession within the organization.

  • Professional and Staff Development Committee

    The Professional and Staff Development Committee promotes and monitors professional development opportunities by identifying, recommending, evaluating, and implementing activities as appropriate.

  • State and Regional Relations Committee

    The State and Regional Relations Committee serves in an intermediary role in the exchange of materials, information, and resources between S&R ACRAO's and AACRAO, and promotes maximum professional enhancement for AACRAO members at the state and regional levels.  Committee members must have prior experience in a state and/or regional association.

Group 5: Access and Equity

  • Asian and Pacific Islander Caucus
    AACRAO's Asian American and Pacific Islander Caucus strives to provide a communal space for members who are ready to discuss issues, developments and initiatives for individuals of Asian and Pacific Islander descent in higher education, and strives to educate all members about the history, contributions and concerns of Asian American and Pacific Islanders.
  • Black Caucus
    AACRAO's Black Caucus supports professional development, networking, and the discussion of issues affecting black students and professionals throughout college and university communities. The Caucus engages in identifying solutions to issues surrounding access as well as examining ways to enhance and increase the representation of both black students and professionals within colleges and universities. 

  • Community College Focus Committee

    The Community College Issues Committee addresses concerns that pertain specifically to two-year and community colleges and acts as a medium for relevant discourse and projects.

  • Graduate and Professional School Issues Committee

    The Graduate and Professional School Issues Committee addresses concerns that pertain specifically to graduate and professional schools and acts as a medium for relevant discourse and projects.

  • Latinx Caucus
    The mission of the AACRAO Latinx Caucus is to promote the empowerment and awareness of Latinx identified members. Through developing and encouraging cross-cultural communication, collaboration, and celebration of the unique differences inherent in our community, we can enrich our AACRAO experience and enhance our understanding of our students, leadership in academic and enrollment services as well as the global educational community. The Caucus strives for promoting dialogue that increases awareness about the challenges that their community faces, while fostering leadership, mutual understanding and a flourishing environment for both students and professionals alike. 
  • LGBTQIA Caucus
    AACRAO's LGBTQIA+ Caucus strives to work for LGBTQIA+ rights and educate other higher education professionals so they are able to serve their students with an understanding of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
  • Native American Caucus
    AACRAO's Native American Caucus strives to provide a communal space for members who are ready to discuss issues, developments, and initiatives for individuals of indigenous descent in higher education and works to educate other members about the history, contributions, and concerns of tribal colleges and Native Americans.
  • Professional Access and Equity Committee

    The Professional Access and Equity Committee encourages entry into the profession, identifies opportunities and promotes the involvement of underrepresented groups in the profession and in AACRAO activities and acts as a forum for concerns of the caucus groups, serving as a channel to the Board of Directors for these groups.

  • Small Colleges Committee

    The Small Colleges Committee addresses concerns that pertain specifically to small colleges and acts as a medium for relevant discourse and projects.

  • Student Access and Equity Committee

    The Student Access and Equity Committee is responsible for all issues relating to minority students accessing postsecondary institutions, including graduate and professional schools.

  • Women's Caucus
    AACRAO's Women’s Caucus supports professional development, networking, community building, and the discussion of issues specific to all women, including cisgender and transgender women, femmes, and nonbinary people throughout college and university communities.  The Caucus encourages leadership development and works to promote scholarship, empowering and developing all women with the goal of continued contributions to AACRAO throughout the field.
  • Young Professionals Caucus
    The AACRAO Young Professionals Caucus seeks to provide a network & peer connection resource for AACRAO members. Entering into the profession can be intimidating and sometimes overwhelming. Young professionals also have unique questions regarding furthering their education, balancing work and young families, etc. The Young Professionals group seeks to provide a non-judgmental space for members to ask questions, network, and share experiences with a group of their peers. The caucus also seeks to provide mentorship for new professionals to seek guidance from those with more extensive experience in working in a Registrar’s office or in enrollment management.

Group 6: Information Technology

  • Information Systems and Technology Committee

    The Information Systems and Technology Committee identifies, promotes, reviews, and informs the membership of current and emerging information systems technology developments, and related best practices in higher education.

  • Institutional Data Committee

    The Institutional Data Committee promotes, identifies, reviews, and informs the membership of research developments dealing with the operations of higher education institutions' enrollment strategies and forecasting.

  • SPEEDE Committee

    SPEEDE - The Standardization of Post-Secondary Education Electronic Data Exchange (SPEEDE) Committee - exists to foster the adoption of electronic transcripts (and education records) exchange through education and outreach to AACRAO members.

Group 7: Special Topics

  • Workshops & Special Topics Programming

    Group 7 does not contain individual committees, but rather reviews comprehensive content to bring forward workshop and special topic programming to amplify AACRAO's professional development opportunities.

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