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AACRAO's biweekly professional development e-newsletter Connect offers timely information, actionable tips, and expert guidance relevant to your career; stories about interesting colleagues doing inspiring things; and news about association services, activities and resources.

Like a virtual, on-demand AACRAO conference-between-conferences, Connect keeps professional conversations alive and helps you stay engaged with the association that advocates for and believes in your career. 

Large group of AACRAO members dressed in formal business attire as they stand in a cross walk with the U.S. Capitol visible in the background.

Leadership, learning and laughter

Jul 2, 2018

Advocating on Capitol Hill, reviewing the Strategic Plan, and playing foursquare.

Natural fiber ropes of every color of the rainbow neatly tied together in a knot.

Field Notes: 3 questions for shared governance

Jul 2, 2018

"Who to include?" might be the most important question.

Cartoon figure reminiscent of Einstein stands in front of a chalkboard with the board "FERPA" written on it.

Ask the FERPA Professor

Jun 19, 2018

Male and female smiling as they shake hands while exchange a document.

Nebraska ACRAO gives back to their host communities

Jun 18, 2018

Schools and nonprofits benefit from their Annual Meeting drives.

Male flips the pages of a binder that a female is holding as others observe the two.

AACRAO supports UC Davis launch of digital tool to help Syrian refugees reclaim right to education

Jun 18, 2018

Facebook live event: Wednesday morning at 7 A.M. EDT.

Headshot of Steven J. McDowell.

Get a seat at the table

Jun 18, 2018

Professional development and certifications can help boost your signal.

Black circle with a piece cut out of its side in the center of the image with colorful streaks surrounding the black circle.

Field Notes: Visions, missions, and strategic plans 101

Jun 18, 2018

Making a Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Strategic Plan that the whole office can rally behind.

Simple bar graph with a hand drawing an upward trend line with a red marker.

Business process improvement: An enrollment management tool

Jun 18, 2018

3 steps to improving operational efficiency

Audience in a large event space all facing a projector screen that has a group of professionals displayed on it.

AACRAO meets with European education ministries

Jun 18, 2018

AACRAO and IIE served as the U.S. delegation at the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Ministerial Conference in Paris.

Simplified image of the U.S. Capitol Dome on a blue background with the following text written next to the image: AACRAO Day on the Hill.

AACRAO Leadership returns to Capitol Hill

Jun 18, 2018

With Senators and Representatives, AACRAO will discuss HEA Reauthorization, FERPA, the Reverse Transfer Efficiency Act, and the PROSPER Act.

Two turquoise arrows facing in opposite directions away from each other.

Build your transfer tool kit @ Tech and Transfer

Jun 18, 2018

View of the earth from space with perfectly triangulated inter-connected lines spanning the whole globe.

Is global education in crisis?

Jun 5, 2018

How institutions can grapple with uncertainty and promise in the global higher education environment.

Individual holding a phone and working on a laptop.

Does your communication strategy support enrollment conversion?

Jun 4, 2018

Tips from an expert, and an invitation to AACRAO’s regional traveling admissions leadership workshop in Massachusetts.

Illustration of a figure, resembling Einstein, standing in front of a green chalkboard that has the text "FERPA" written on it in white chalk.

Ask the FERPA Professor

Jun 4, 2018

Are you required to process a disclosure request, even if its misleading?

Illustration of people milling about an environment filled with giant every day objects like books, pens, an apple, etc.

The intersection between learning and technology

Jun 4, 2018

AACRAO and EDUCAUSE partner to catalyze student access and success.

Single link of chain made out of cyber blue colored binary code.

You don’t have to understand blockchain to get it

Jun 4, 2018

The technology is the easy part.

Cartoon speech bubble with the text "five words" written in it.

Field Notes: The five words that can transform your commitment to inclusion

Jun 4, 2018

Diversity is not the same as inclusivity.

Simplified bar graph with a downward sloping trend line.

Policies that may halt enrollment decline at liberal arts colleges

Jun 4, 2018

Effective strategies vary depending on school type, according to a recent article in C&U.

Illustration of a book with leaves growing out of the ground like a tree and the text "SEMQ" written at the base of the trunk.

AACRAO's SEM journal redesign: Greater impact, easier citation

Jun 4, 2018

The latest issue of SEM Quarterly addresses women in SEM leadership, how campus environments impact college choice and persistence, and more.

Two interlocking puzzle pieces, one with the French flag on it and the other with the U.S. flag.

AACRAO and AICE attend the Bilateral Seminar on The Transatlantic Friendship and Mobility Initiative

May 22, 2018

A report on the bilateral seminar held May 14-15, 2018, at the Embassy of France in Washington, D.C.