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AACRAO's biweekly professional development e-newsletter Connect offers timely information, actionable tips, and expert guidance relevant to your career; stories about interesting colleagues doing inspiring things; and news about association services, activities and resources.

Like a virtual, on-demand AACRAO conference-between-conferences, Connect keeps professional conversations alive and helps you stay engaged with the association that advocates for and believes in your career. 

Illustration of a figure, resembling Einstein, standing in front of a green chalkboard that has the text "FERPA" written on it in white chalk.

Ask the FERPA Professor

Apr 24, 2018

A question about Academic Standing Letter disclosure.

Headshot of Sheetal Patel.

How colleges should talk to Generation Z

Apr 20, 2018

Communicating with Generation Z.

Figure interacting with a translucent screen that's displaying various icons contained in gear shapes.

Field Notes: Are your staff professionally competent?

Apr 19, 2018

A guide to assessing and building proficiency through mentorship, training, and promotion.

One baseball player in a blue helmet slides toward a base while another player in a red hat throws the ball to someone out of frame.

Not bad for a rookie

Apr 10, 2018

How a beginner's mind can be an advantage in the workplace.

Hand drawing a red line through a maze from one side to the other.

Field Notes: Planning for Promotion

Apr 10, 2018

3 strategies to implement today for a better tomorrow

AACRAO Trending Topics Take Over #AACRAO18

Apr 10, 2018

Cartoon depiction of an ancient Greek philosopher.

Authors and audience: How Aristotle can make you a better communicator

Apr 10, 2018

Build arguments based on shared values.

Illustration of two professionals working at their desks, each of which is sitting on an orb in the night sky.

Miles away, yet seconds apart: How to engage remote staff

Apr 9, 2018

Technology, professional development, and inclusiveness are key.

Cork board with various shapes of different colors on it, some of which have words on them such as the following; AACRAO guide, GDPR, comment deadline, April 15.

AACRAO discussion draft on GDPR is available for download and commenting

Apr 9, 2018

Deadline: April 15, 2018.

Ask the FERPA Professor

Apr 9, 2018

Are letters of recommendation protected if the applicant waives the right to review?

Photo of a keyboard with the enter key replaced by a red button that says "register now".

Late registration: How late is too late?

Apr 9, 2018

Desk with a keyboard visible along with a spiraled notebook with the following words on the cover; "FAFSA, free application for federal student aid".

Looking back: One year into the new FAFSA filing timeline

Apr 9, 2018

What the data says so far.

Illustration of a business female standing before a staircase that extends into the sky.

Get endorsed by AACRAO for competency in SEM

Apr 6, 2018

Build career capital affordably.

Figure covering their head with a laptop while holding up a white flag that says "help".

Preventing & Coping with Job Burnout

Apr 5, 2018

Standing female shakes the hand of a seated male in a surgical white office space.

The registrar and IT partnership

Apr 5, 2018

How collaborations can improve communication and affect governance, project funding, project management, and setting priorities at an institutional- and campus-level.

Miniature figurine of the Jedi master, Yoda, in front of a small ball with swirled bits of blue and beige on it.

Attack of the clones! Working with challenging colleagues.

Apr 5, 2018

5 Star Wars character types common in the workplace -- and tips on handling their distinct personalities.

Law school registrars' roundtable discussion

Apr 5, 2018

Students wearing graduation caps and gowns fades into a train schedule board with the word "delayed" in red shown on it.

Your student is done but they do not want to graduate

Apr 5, 2018

Why you should care.

Illustration of three hands raised in the air in the center of a roman wreath with the word "volunteer" written on a red banner underneath the hands.

Contribute to your profession

Apr 5, 2018

Writing, webinar, and faculty opportunities at AACRAO.

Black arrow pointing to the right with four colorful circles extending from the arrow by lines.

Rethinking advising for online students

Apr 3, 2018

4 key components for one-stop advising.