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AACRAO's biweekly professional development e-newsletter Connect offers timely information, actionable tips, and expert guidance relevant to your career; stories about interesting colleagues doing inspiring things; and news about association services, activities and resources.

Like a virtual, on-demand AACRAO conference-between-conferences, Connect keeps professional conversations alive and helps you stay engaged with the association that advocates for and believes in your career. 

New Survey Explores Impact of CRMs on Institutional Effectiveness in Higher Ed Industry

Apr 28, 2015

New Survey Explores Impact of CRMs on Institutional Effectiveness in Higher Ed Industry

60 Second Survey: Transfer articulation practices

Apr 28, 2015

The results of the 60 Second Survey on Transfer Articulation Practices are in.

60-second survey results: Strategic Enrollment Management Plan Use

Apr 28, 2015

Almost half of respondents have a SEM plan in place -- but do they use it?

AACRAO transcript survey results show that paper still rules

Apr 28, 2015

Check the Transcript Practice and Costs report to see where your institution fits in.

Pluses and minuses: In or out?

Apr 28, 2015

The results of the 60 Second Survey on Grading Practices are in.

Leadership lessons: Vision and values for a new generation

Apr 21, 2015

Insights and advice from three AACRAO leaders.

How to change campus policy

Apr 21, 2015

The art of getting things done.

One-stop shops: Tips for implementation and best practices

Apr 21, 2015

Comprehensive student-facing services in one location

Ask the FERPA Professor

Apr 21, 2015

Does a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request "trump" FERPA?

Support adult learners

Apr 21, 2015

Trends in credit for prior learning

SEM can provide solutions for today's higher education challenges

Apr 21, 2015

Session proposals are now being accepted for AACRAO's 25th Annual Strategic Enrollment Management Conference.

Creating an inclusive campus

Apr 21, 2015

"Disability is the one minority category that anyone can join at any time."

Field Notes: Communicate shared values for student success

Apr 21, 2015

Reaching a shared understanding of a common goal helps everyone feel like part of the team.

Identifying & serving at-risk students

Apr 21, 2015

One school's experience.

Representatives from ED OSFA help clarify NSLDS enrollment reporting requirements

Apr 14, 2015

New guidelines expected summer 2015.

SEM-EP lessons help accomplish goals on campus

Apr 14, 2015

The course also builds leadership, networks and career readiness.

NPR's Scott Simon inspires at AACRAO's 2015 Annual Meeting

Apr 14, 2015

Let yourself make mistakes and have doubts, he encouraged.

A journey into the creditless expanse of competency-based direct assessment degree programs

Apr 14, 2015

Designing and implementing a full competency-based program - with no credits or grades to speak of.

Issuing experiential transcripts and competency reports

Apr 14, 2015

Perspectives from practicing registrars.

Flipping the funnel: A new way to recruit

Apr 14, 2015

One session presenter re-envisions the traditional admissions funnel for small colleges.