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A strike of Nigerian public university employees finally ended in December.
Are applications submitted by a student already attending another component of the institution considered protected by FERPA?
Released last week, The Condition of STEM 2013 reveals an untapped pool of students who have an interest in science and mathematics but are not planning to pursue a related career
A long-time AACRAO member and pioneer in the development of student records management and on-line registration recently passed away.
What are we doing well? What needs improvement?
The Ohio State University recently announced the addition of a 9th scholarship targeting GLBT students--The Jack Miner Scholarship for Transgender Students.
AACRAO SEM Conference Director William Serrata shares his thoughts on attending.
Here are some examples of effective use of social media.
ïAACRAO Spotlight interviews feature our conversations with industry experts, highlighting key issues and promoting sessions and workshops at the upcoming conference.
These tips can help you succeed whether you're new to--or well into--a career in academic and enrollment services.
How can we balance the students' needs and budgets with the financial viability of institutions?
The AACRAO board of directors performs two regular self-assessments.
Following the "super typhoon," the Philippines Commission on Higher Education (CHED) set January 15, 2014, as a goal date for reopening universities.
Consider information beyond grades, courses and test scores to determine whether a student is a good fit.
Offices can take every technological precaution, but staff in those offices are equally important to record security.
A must read for anyone who works with students on a daily basis.
An executive summary of the ongoing activities of the Standardization of Postsecondary Education Electronic Data Exchange (SPEEDE) Committee for the fourth quarter 2013.
Overall, the programming, services and higher education advocacy provided by AACRAO are meeting or exceeding the expectation of those members who responded.
Continuing education is essential for those working in the field of international admissions.
How can institutional data be used more effectively to guide retention planning?