A Message from the Conference Co-Chairs

Congratulations, and thank you for presenting at AACRAO's Virtual Technology and Transfer Summit. We are appreciative of you lending your professional knowledge to this exciting event. We wanted to remind you of a few important items as you are preparing for your presentation:

  • The entire conference runs July 9 -11; double-check your specific session date and time. All session times are in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
  • Be sure to allow time for questions and engagement with your session attendees.
  • Email your finalized slides to marc.booker@phoenix.edu by Friday, July 5, 2024.
  • You will have an AACRAO staff member or Conference Co-Chair in your Zoom room as a Moderator; this person will assist you with a brief intro and housekeeping overview for your attendees and keep an eye on the chat questions.

We are happy to help; please contact us if you have any questions. We want this to be an excellent experience for you as a presenter. Thank you again for participating in AACRAO's Technology and Transfer Virtual Summit.

Presentation Guidelines

  • Powerpoint Presentation Template + Resources

    Download the AACRAO branded PowerPoint template you may use for your session handouts.

    When building your presentation, ensure you include any external files utilized in the same folder as your presentation (e.g., movie files). To ensure the success of your presentation, remember to make a backup copy of your files.

    Fonts: We can only supply fonts included in the base installation of Windows. Using any font other than these requires embedding them into your PowerPoint presentation. For information on embedding fonts, see below. We suggest using the fonts such as Open Sans, Times New Roman, Arial, and Tahoma. Using fonts not included in Windows can lead to words that bleed into graphics or bullets that may be the wrong style. You can embed the fonts into your presentation by following these steps:

    • Office 2003: On the File menu, click Save As. On the toolbar, click ToolsSave Options, and select the Embed TrueType Fonts check box. To embed all the characters in the font set, select Embed All Characters.
      *Note: If you plan to have others review and edit your file, it's best to embed the full font set, though doing so creates a larger file.
    • Microsoft Office 2007: Click the Office button and then PowerPoint Options. Select the Save Tab and check the box to Embed Fonts in the file
    • Office 2010 and 2013: Click File and then Options, Select the Save Button and check the Embed Fonts box.

    *Note: PowerPoint 2011 for Macs and other Mac versions of PowerPoint cannot embed fonts

  • Google Slides Template

    Access the AACRAO-branded Google Slides template you may edit for your session handouts here. Once you follow the link, click "Make a copy" to edit your presentation.

  • PREZI Users

    We do allow presenters to use Prezi if desired.

  • APPLE Products Users

    If you are creating your presentation on an Apple computer, please be aware of the following issues.

    • Movies: It is preferable to have your video files converted to .avi's to allow for proper operation in PowerPoint for Mac or PC.
    • Pictures: Use standard image formats that are cross-platform, such as JPG, PNG, and GIF.
    • Fonts: Use standard cross-platform fonts such as Open Sans, Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier.
    • Animations: Use simple entry animation effects, such as fly-in/out, appear, and dissolve. 


  • Zoom: Best Practices & How-To

    Access AACRAO's resources on the tips and tricks of presenting virtually.

Social Media Toolkit

Help build excitement and anticipation around the Technology and Transfer Summit by sharing these resources with your friends, colleagues, and connections. Tag us using @AACRAO and add #TechTransfer in your caption when posting on any social media channels regarding the Technology and Transfer Summit. The following hashtags are also applicable:

  • #Transfer
  • #HigherEd
  • #Technology
  • #TransferPuzzle
  • #StudentSuccess
  • #ImplementingSuccess
  • #ReEnvisioningTransfer
  • #ProfessionalDevelopment
Sample Posts - Downloadable Graphics Available Below
  • Join me at the 2024 Technology and Transfer Summit, where I will virtually present my session titled [Session Title] and discuss my research on transfer mobility and enrollment strategies: www.aacrao.org/TechnologyTransfer
  • Register for the 2024 Technology and Transfer Summit to hear my session on developing methods of effectively recruiting and retaining diverse student populations: www.aacrao.org/TechnologyTransfer
  • I’m presenting my session titled [Session Title] at the Technology and Transfer Summit from July 9-11, 2024. Register to connect with me virtually and hear my research on advancing transfer student success: www.aacrao.org/TechnologyTransfer
  • I’m presenting my research on advising and articulating transfer agreements between institutional partners at the 2024 Technology and Transfer Summit. Register now to watch my session in July: www.aacrao.org/TechnologyTransfer
  • I’m presenting at the 2024 Technology and Transfer Summit in July to share my data, insight, and analysis of effectively communicating timely and relevant information to transfer students: www.aacrao.org/TechnologyTransfer
  • Join me in solving a piece of the #TransferPuzzle by registering for the 2024 Technology and Transfer Summit—I’ll be sharing my research on establishing effective support systems and services to transfer students and administrative offices: www.aacrao.org/TechnologyTransfer

Downloadable Images
  • Image One
    2024 Presenter Tech & Transfer Summit IG
  • Image Two
    2024 Presenter Tech & Transfer Summit (LinkedIn Post)
  • Image Three
    2023 Presenter Tech & Transfer Summit Facebook Post
  • Image Four
    2024 Presenter Tech & Transfer Summit Post