Download the AACRAO branded PowerPoint template you may use for your session handouts.
When building your presentation, ensure you include any external files utilized in the same folder as your presentation (e.g., movie files). To ensure the success of your presentation, remember to make a backup copy of your files.
Fonts: We can only supply fonts included in the base installation of Windows. Using any font other than these requires embedding them into your PowerPoint presentation. For information on embedding fonts, see below. We suggest
using the fonts such as Open Sans, Times New Roman, Arial, and Tahoma. Using fonts not included in Windows can lead to words that bleed into graphics or bullets that may be the wrong style. You can embed the fonts into your presentation
by following these steps:
- Office 2003: On the File menu, click Save As. On the toolbar, click Tools, Save Options, and select the Embed TrueType Fonts check box. To embed all the characters in the font set, select Embed
All Characters.
*Note: If you plan to have others review and edit your file, it's best to embed the full font set, though doing so creates a larger file. - Microsoft Office 2007: Click the Office button and then PowerPoint Options. Select the Save Tab and check the box to Embed Fonts in the file
- Office 2010 and 2013: Click File and then Options, Select the Save Button and check the Embed Fonts box.
*Note: PowerPoint 2011 for Macs and other Mac versions of PowerPoint cannot embed fonts