Education Dept. to Investigate ACICS
Mar 5, 2020
Agency opens investigation of embattled accreditor for its approval of a South Dakota university that appears to have no faculty, staff, or classrooms.
New Study on Distance Education Enrollment
Mar 5, 2020
Report finds that more that 2.8 million students were enrolled in an online degree program in 2019. Of those, 1.5 million were in-state students, and 1.3 million were out-of-state students.
International Enrollment in U.S. Declining
Mar 5, 2020
Since 2015, the number of new international students has declined by 10 percent in light of travel bans, changes in visa policy, and increased competition from other countries.
Coronavirus Continues to Disrupt Higher Ed
Mar 5, 2020
Education Dept. issues guidance for interruptions of study related to coronavirus. Updated CDC guidance says institutions should consider canceling student foreign exchange programs.
Justice Dept. Files Brief in Support of Group Challenging Harvard in Admissions Case
Feb 26, 2020
Trump administration asks appellate court to overturn a ruling last fall that found the university did not intentionally discriminate against prospective Asian American students.
Trump Administration's 'Public Charge' Rule Takes Effect
Feb 26, 2020
New policy expands the government's ability to reject green cards and a path to citizenship for immigrants deemed likely to use public assistance programs.
Enrollment Falls Short of Goal at Many Colleges
Feb 26, 2020
Nearly 60 percent of public and private institutions missed their enrollment goals, according to a new survey of 292 institutions.
New Tools on StudentAid.gov
Feb 26, 2020
The site now includes an aid summary, which lets borrowers see information about their loans and grants and their progress toward paying off their debt, among other things.
New Federal Initiative Expands Private-Sector Work-Study Opportunities
Feb 20, 2020
Education Dept. announces an experimental site aimed at allowing more students to gain experience with employers in their field of study as part of their Federal Work-Study program.
Title IX Overhaul Complicates Negotiations to Update HEA
Feb 20, 2020
Trump administration's controversial new rules governing campus sexual assault and harassment will be a stumbling block toward reauthorizing the Higher Education Act.
Ashford U. Approved for GI Bill Funds
Feb 20, 2020
Feds approve online institution's eligibility for continued access to GI Bill funds, the latest in a long-running saga over the school's access to veterans education benefits.
Bloomberg Unveils Higher Ed Plan
Feb 20, 2020
$700 billion plan proposes free community college, doubling Pell Grants for low-income students, and limited debt cancellation.
Clarifications on California Transcript Law
Feb 20, 2020
The measure, as written, has raised numerous questions from institutions in the state of California and in other states that serve California students.
Income-Driven Repayment Plans Increasingly Popular
Feb 13, 2020
Nearly half of federal student loans are being repaid through income-driven repayment plans, new data show, with 80 percent of federal subsidies now going to graduate student borrowers.
AACRAO To Host Conversation with Education Dept. Regarding 2020 Census and FERPA
Feb 12, 2020
Join a call with the U.S. Education Dept. and Census Bureau representatives to discuss new guidance regarding demographic information campus officials may share for the 2020 Census.
House Approves Disaster Aid Package for Puerto Rico
Feb 12, 2020
Emergency aid package aims to help the island recover from the devastation caused by recent earthquakes and historically catastrophic hurricanes in 2017 and 2018.
Trump Unveils 2021 Budget Blueprint
Feb 12, 2020
Budget proposal includes a familiar list of deep cuts to student loan assistance and other discretionary domestic programs.
International Graduate Enrollments Rebound, Study Finds
Feb 12, 2020
Increases come amid a changing climate for international recruiting.
New Data on Veteran Students
Feb 12, 2020
Report finds that 43 percent of military undergraduates and 36 percent of military graduate students receive some form of federal education benefits.
Advanced Placement Program Continues to Grow
Feb 12, 2020
When broken down by race, however, there was a decline in the number of AP exams taken by white, black, Native American and Pacific Islander students, compared to last year's cohort.