Appeals Court Rules Title IX Protects Transgender Students
Aug 12, 2020
Supreme Court's historic decision on LGBTQ workers' rights leads federal judge to conclude that Title IX also protects transgender students from discrimination based on their identity.
Many Colleges to Return to Normal Grading Practices
Aug 12, 2020
Colleges adopted flexible assessment policies last spring amidst pandemic disruptions. This fall, many will return to normal grading practices this fall—with "some modifications."
More Latinxs Complete Degrees but Equity Gaps Persist
Aug 12, 2020
Study finds that the percentage of Latinx adults in the United States who hold a college degree increased to 24 percent from 19 percent a decade ago.
Census Count Ending Early
Aug 5, 2020
AACRAO strongly urges all of our members to work with the Census Bureau to provide the relevant information needed to complete an accurate count ahead of August deadlines.
New Ideas on FAFSA Simplification and Admissions Reform
Aug 5, 2020
Two new series of papers offer ideas on how to enhance FAFSA efficiency and reassess college admissions.
House Passes $1.3 Trillion Spending Package for FY 2021
Aug 5, 2020
The Democrat-led measure—which would boost higher ed funding, amend the 90-10 rule, and block new Title IX rules—is not expected to gain traction in the Republican-controlled Senate.
States Look at Consolidating Public Colleges
Aug 5, 2020
States including Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, Maine, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Wisconsin are considering—or have already taken steps toward—consolidating their public colleges.
Campuses Resume Tours
Aug 5, 2020
Over the last month, some colleges have resumed campus tours with new safety measure.
University of Arizona Acquires Ashford University
Aug 5, 2020
U. of Arizona paid $1 to acquire for-profit, online Ashford. With the acquisition, the institution will establish a new, independent nonprofit entity called University of Arizona Global Campus.
Senate Republicans Release Proposal for Next Stimulus Package
Jul 30, 2020
Proposed bill, an opening bid in negotiations with Democrats, includes $29 billion for higher ed.
Federal Judge Rejects Citizenship Restriction on CARES Funds
Jul 30, 2020
The decision currently applies only to one community college student, but the judge is considering expanding the scope of the preliminary injunction.
Trump Administration Moves to Curb DACA While It Reviews Program
Jul 30, 2020
White House puts new DACA applications on hold despite the Supreme Court ruling restoring the program.
ICE Guidance Bars New International Students from Online-Only Instruction
Jul 30, 2020
New guidance prohibits new international students who plan to solely enroll in online classes this fall from entering the country.
New Lawsuit Challenges UT Austin's Admissions Policies
Jul 30, 2020
Students for Fair Admissions, group also suing Harvard over its use of race in admissions decisions, disputes UT Austin's race-conscious holistic admissions process.
Senator to Introduce Bill to Prevent Tying Federal Funds to Reopening
Jul 23, 2020
Legislation seeks to ensure that federal education funding cannot be withheld from K-12 school districts or institutions of higher education that do not resume in-person classes in the fall.
Alexander Proposes Loan Relief and FAFSA Simplification
Jul 23, 2020
Proposal would excuse borrowers with no income from making student loan payments and simplify the forms used to apply for federal student aid.
AACRAO, Other Higher Ed Groups, Urge Congress to Carefully Consider Implementation Issues in COVID-19 Supplemental Funding Bill
Jul 23, 2020
Higher ed groups encourage lawmakers to ensure that any new initiatives in the next coronavirus relief package are implemented effectively by the Education Department.
Additional Guidance Needed on the Status of International Students
Jul 23, 2020
AACRAO joins a broad coalition of associations for clarification on the withdrawn Immigration and Customs Enforcement directive and the status of international students.
Republican Senate Mulls Proposal for Liability Protection
Jul 23, 2020
Draft plan would make it significantly more difficult to file coronavirus-related lawsuits against colleges, K-12 schools, charities, and businesses.
Trump Seeks to Exclude Undocumented Immigrants from 2020 Census Results
Jul 23, 2020
Legal and census experts say the plan is neither legal nor practicable.