Biden's Sweeping Immigration Reform Bill Formally Introduced
Feb 25, 2021
AACRAO and other higher ed groups urge Congress to act swiftly to protect Dreamers and provide a clear pathway to citizenship.
Common App Adds Questions for Transgender Students
Feb 25, 2021
The changes are part of an effort to make the application more inclusive.
Democrats Reintroduce Bicameral Bill to Close 90/10 Loophole
Feb 24, 2021
AACRAO is listed in support of legislation that would prohibit for-profit colleges and universities from receiving more than 85 percent of their revenue from the federal government.
Biden Rejects Plan for $50,000 in Loan Forgiveness
Feb 18, 2021
The president remains committed to his campaign promise to forgive up to $10,000 in student loans as well as plans for free public higher education.
Senate Democrats Push for More HBCU Funding
Feb 18, 2021
Lawmakers seek "as much funding as possible" for HCBUs in the next federal relief bill, as institutions address both the coronavirus impact and deeper concerns about their survival.
Education Department Closes Princeton Investigation
Feb 18, 2021
The investigation—launched by the Trump administration following a university statement on efforts to combat systemic racism on campus—closed without any finding.
State FY 2022 Higher Ed Funding Varies
Feb 18, 2021
Many governors' proposed state budgets are a mixed bag, with several states pushing to increase higher education funding or at least restore last year's cuts.
AACRAO Requests Additional Guidance on Emergency Relief Funds
Feb 18, 2021
The latest COVID-19 relief measure provides more flexibility on how colleges and universities can use the money but many questions remain regarding the rules for spending the funds.
Texas DACA Case Could Push Congress to Act on Immigration
Feb 11, 2021
A federal judge in Texas is expected to issue a ruling in a case challenging the legality of DACA. The decision could pressure Congress to act on a more permanent solution.
House Education Committee Advances COVID-19 Relief Bill
Feb 11, 2021
House Democrats' coronavirus relief package would provide an additional $40 billion in aid to institutions and students and strengthen the 90-10 rule regulating for-profit institutions.
College Application Rates Vary Amid Pandemic
Feb 11, 2021
Institutions are seeing either steep increases in application or steep downfalls.
Pressure Builds for Executive Action on Student Loan Forgiveness
Feb 11, 2021
Progressive lawmakers press Biden to take fast action on a plan to forgive up to $50,000 in student loan debt for all borrowers.
Education Dept. Disproportionately Selected Black, Hispanic Students for Aid Verification
Feb 11, 2021
Agency primarily selected students from majority black and Hispanic neighborhoods for financial aid audits over the last decade, Washington Post analysis finds.
Higher Ed Urges DHS to Take Steps to Support International Students
Feb 4, 2021
AACRAO and other groups press the agency to restore "duration of status," repeal rules limiting H1-B visas, preserve OPT program, ensure timely processing of visas, among other things.
Negotiations over New Coronavirus Aid Package Heat Up
Feb 4, 2021
Republicans pitch a $618 billion proposal with no financial assistance for higher ed. Democrats prepare to act alone to advance President Biden's $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package.
Virginia House Passes Comprehensive Privacy Law
Feb 4, 2021
Under the legislation to regulate personal consumer data privacy, personal data subject to FERPA and HIPAA are exempt.
Federal Judge Upholds Foreign Student Work Program
Feb 4, 2021
Ruling upholds the legality of the popular optional practical training (OPT) program. The labor union challenging the program has already filed to appeal the decision.
Justice Dept. Drops Yale Admissions Case
Feb 4, 2021
Agency requests the dismissal of its Trump-era case against Yale University that accused the institution of illegally discriminating against Asian American and white applicants.
AACRAO Calls for Additional Guidance on Emergency Student Grants
Feb 4, 2021
The association joins 55 other higher education groups urging the Education Dept. to clarify that the emergency student grants in the latest stimulus measure can be used to help undocumented students and DACA recipients, as well as international students.
Solomon Amendment Update
Feb 4, 2021
Congress recently approved legislation that includes language updating the Solomon Amendment to increase military recruiters' access to certain student information.