SPEEDE Committee Executive Report, Oct.-Dec. 2013

January 23, 2014
  • AACRAO Connect

This document serves as an executive summary of the ongoing activities of the Standardization of Postsecondary Education Electronic Data Exchange (SPEEDE) Committee of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). The AACRAO SPEEDE Committee was formed in the mid 1980’s and has been very active since then in the coordination,  development, and implementation of international exchange standards in United States and Canada by representing secondary and postsecondary education in collaboration with the standards setting body, P20W Education Standards Council (PESC).  The Committee reports to the AACRAO Vice President for Information Technology (Group VI), Jim Bouse.

This report contains the 4th quarter 2013 AACRAO SPEEDE Committee activities and efforts.  More information about the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee and on-going activities can be found at http://aacrao.org/About-AACRAO/committees/speede.aspx.

Committee Meetings & Conferences:

AACRAO SPEEDE Committee members serve in many capacities from conducting webinars, presentations, and roundtable discussions at various AACRAO national and regional conferences to participating and chairing various PESC workgroups to develop standards, implementation guides, crosswalks, and programming of crosswalks.  Weekly conference calls occur every Thursday at 4pm ET with an average of seven (of ten) members to discuss workgroup updates, and other SPEEDE-related business. 

AACRAO meeting and conference activities this quarter:

Face-to-Face meetings

October 27th @ Pacific AACRAO Conference (Las Vegas, NV)

AACRAO Webinar

None conducted this quarter

National Conference  Presentations

None conducted this quarter

*Regional Conference Presentations

Oct 27-30 Pacific AACRAO Conference – one workshop, four presentations and one roundtable  were conducted


*The AACRAO SPEEDE committee will make available to AACRAO regional groups (e.g. PACRAO, SACRAO) the opportunity to conduct an EDX workshop and several presentations.  This opportunity is available for one regional conference per year so…If you are planning an upcoming regional conference and would like to include a SPEEDE track, please email the request to speede@aacrao.org.


PESC activities included participation in periodic conference calls for the following workgroups:

Academic e-Portfolio

Canadian PESC User Group

Change Control Board

Common Data Services

Common XML

Electronic Authentication/ Authorization(EA2)

Education Record User Group

PESC Board

PESC Seal of Approval

Technical Advisory Board


Committee Technical Activities & Efforts:

Texas Server Update

In October 2013, the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) assumed operation of the Texas SPEEDE Server which was previously operated by the University of Texas at Austin for the delivery of electronic documents (e.g. online admission applications, electronic transcripts).   Should you have any questions about sending/receiving electronic documents via this server, please direct the inquiries to SPEEDE-support@studentclearinghouse.org.


Crosswalk Development:

Final versions of all approved EDI and XML standards can be downloaded from the PESC web site (Standards & Workgroups section) at http://www.pesc.org/interior.php?page_id=86.  All modifications to these standards are handled through the PESC Education Record User Group (ERUG) to create new up-to-date versions.  More information on ERUG can also be found on the PESC web site at http://www.pesc.org/interior.php?page_id=188.


There are currently ten members serving on the committee.  The committee welcomes your interest in becoming more involved in this AACRAO Professional Development Committee.  To learn more you can:

View the SPEEDE website


Review SPEEDE Mission Statement, Objectives, and Goals


Review current SPEEDE Members list


Still have questions or want to join?

Send email to speede@aacrao.org



AACRAO SPEEDE Committee members are instrumental in submitting various items, questions, answers, etc. and contributing feedback to the AACRAO SPEEDE community via the SPEEDE-L list serv.   If you are interested in signing up to receive emails regarding SPEEDE topics, go to http://www.lsoft.com/scripts/wl.exe?SL1=SPEEDE-L&H=LISTSERV.VT.EDU.

The AACRAO SPEEDE Committee has published the Electronic Data Exchange (EDX) Primer.  The EDX Primer addresses the most commonly asked questions regarding electronic data exchanges, including matters relating to both traditional EDI standards and contemporary XML data standards as shaped by the P20W Education Standards Council (PESC). Written by the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee, the Primer compiles EDX-related technology and contact information resources, along with lists of Web site sources and state, provincial, and regional initiatives and mandates.  More information may be found at http://www.aacrao.org/publications/publications_catalog/publications_catalog_technology.aspx.

This concludes the AACRAO SPEEDE Committee report for 4th quarter 2013.



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