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Seeking Evaluators for AACRAO SEM-EP

February 10, 2020
  • AACRAO News
  • volunteer
smiling businessman against dark background

As AACRAO’s Strategic Enrollment Management Endorsement Program (SEM-EP) grows and evolves, AACRAO seeks members to join as Evaluators, who will volunteer for one year, beginning in mid-April. 

Evaluator Role/Responsibilities include:

  • Review and provide feedback on Field Visit Reports using established rubric
  • Review and provide feedback on Webinar Reports using established rubric
  • Review and provide feedback on Capstone Projects using established rubric

Required Qualifications:

  • Must have a master’s degree. Specialist or doctorate degree preferred.
  • Must have at least 10 years of experience in enrollment management.
  • Experience teaching at the college level is preferred, but not necessary.

To apply, send your 1-2 page resume/vita and a short cover letter detailing your interest and highlighting your qualifications by February 28, 2020, to sem-ep@aacrao.org.

Those expressing interest will be notified by the end of March.  


AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter is open to members and non-members alike.