Most veterans transitioning from the military who aspire to enroll in postsecondary education intend to enroll in community colleges, according to a new study published in the January 2022 SEMQ.
The study examined the college choices of veterans transitioning out of the military in an attempt to ascertain the pattern of veterans’ choices to attend institutions of higher education and their choices between two-year and four-year institutions. Researcher Tara Hornor interviewed 30 veterans separating from military service and twelve military education officials and counselors.
“This research study aims to contribute to the field of higher education, enrollment management, and student affairs by providing valuable insight regarding the college choice process of veteran college students exiting the military, an important segment of nontraditional-aged college students often neglected in the research literature,” wrote Hornor.
According to Hornor’s analysis of the data generated in the interviews, four factors influence veterans’ college choices: perception of cost and financial resources, academic program offerings, flexible scheduling, and advising received from military education counselors. Hornor offered recommendations for institutions—including four-year public and private nonprofit institutions where veterans are currently underrepresented—to help expand veterans’ consideration of the continuum of postsecondary opportunities.
“Veterans’ descriptions of the factors provide a valuable opportunity for college and university outreach to prospective student veterans as well as areas of collaboration with military educational counselors to enhance veterans’ postsecondary opportunities and baccalaureate attainment,” wrote Hornor.
Other articles in Volume 9, Issue 4 include:
SEMQ provides knowledge and insight into the ongoing evolution of strategic enrollment management (SEM) by bridging the gap between theory and practice. Articles by thought leaders and practitioners address the emerging dynamics of SEM, including: executive-level leadership, leading strategies, internationalization, research, academic orientation, and current trends. For more information, or to submit a manuscript, please contact Managing Editor Heather Zimar.