Letter from the Editor: January 7, 2025

January 6, 2025
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Letter from the Editor January 2025

Dear Readers,

In ancient times, augurs would divine the future by observing the flight patterns of birds and movements of other animals or holding ceremonies to predict a successful venture. This practice gave us our word “inauguration.” A word that resurfaces constantly within our AACRAO community and has meaning beyond the ceremony that marks a new presidential term. The association has endured over 30 presidential inaugurations since its founding in 1910. As we enter 2025, we’re reminded of the weight and promise carried by words like inauguration, derived from the Latin “augur,” which calls us to envision and prepare for a successful future, while “resolution,” from the Latin “resolvere,” speaks to loosening constraints to break down and build purpose, embracing the challenges necessary for growth. 

This issue reflects themes of aspiration and action—needed for our industry-sweeping goals of advancing learning mobility. From a groundbreaking AI-driven transfer credit project seeking its first cohort to practical strategies for retaining top talent, we spotlight initiatives that require both vision and perseverance. As our community prepares for the Annual Meeting and celebrates the growth of our membership, we also offer expertise to address the complexities of FERPA compliance and knowing how and when to use strategy and tactics—decisions that demand clarity and careful judgment.

Each story underscores the resilience and innovation that define our field. As you read, I hope you feel inspired to inaugurate your own new initiatives and resolve to tackle the challenges ahead with perseverance and creativity.

With appreciation,

Autumn Walden

Editor, AACRAO Connect, Content Strategy Manager, AACRAO

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