As the 2022 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Summit gets closer, we are taking time to interview presenters about their topics, session, and motivation to present. First, presenter Jena Black, Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, spoke to us about her upcoming session: "Collaborative Implementation of web-based Degree Audit system in a professional school: Processes and Lessons Learned," and her excitement about attending this year's Technology & Transfer Summit.
Ms. Black's session dives into using technology in Strategic Enrollment Management, including degree audit systems, as a tool for addressing transparent progress toward degrees and reducing costs through addressing operational efficiencies. Speaking from her own experience with the implementation of this technology, Ms. Black said:
Degree Tracker has been a game-changer for Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health, contributing to accuracy, efficiency, and transparency. The implementation process demonstrates how a professional school can successfully work with the central University Registrar's Office. We are so excited to share our process, successes, and challenges and look forward to hearing others' experiences.
Session attendees can expect to learn the impetus for the change, the processes developed, and some of the hurdles Ms. Black's team encountered throughout the implementation process. Highlighting the need for collaboration and process, Ms. Black commented:
Once we started talking to our various departments offering different academic plans, it was clear we needed to standardize language and presentation of degree requirements. We developed a "template" for the degree program presentation, which was helpful as we communicated with the central University Registrar. They also developed their "template" for configuring program requirements to meet our needs. When we moved to Phase 2, implementing certificate programs, we were able to move quickly, already having a rhythm and idea of exactly what we needed to do and what the University Registrar needed to move forward.
If you are interested in attending this and other key sessions, be sure to register before June 17 to take advantage of the "early-bird" discount for the 2022 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Summit.