Cultivating Leadership

September 6, 2022
  • Leadership and Management
  • Professional Development and Contributions to the Field
  • ascend
Photograph depicting one person taking leadership of a group.

Based on our career profile surveys and the enormous increase in our AACRAO Jobs postings, there are more job opportunities available now than there ever have been in the past. While women have made some gains in the professions, most of those gains are for white women, and minorities are underrepresented across the board. Overall, the race/ethnicity profile of these positions as represented in this year’s CUPA-HR data is largely unchanged, but the pandemic brought some shifts worth noting--some showing progress and some declining. If we want to have an impact on the overall profile, we must act now. 

We identified this challenge several years ago, and in 2019 AACRAO launched ASCEND to address the gaps we found in the data regarding underrepresented populations. The application window to participate in this unique career development opportunity is open until September 16th, apply now to begin your professional development journey. 

ASCEND prepares mid-level professionals by supporting them as they develop (and credential) the skills and competencies needed in the enrollment professions, while at the same time growing both their network and their confidence to move within it.

This work is important. Why? Because the opportunities are available now and the leaders we grow today will impact the profession and the lives of the learners we serve for decades to come and ensuring diverse representation in these positions matters. The faculty and staff of our institutions should reflect the populations we serve now and will serve in the future. We can only solve the challenges faced by higher education today- and there are many- by cultivating our institutional leadership from the great diversity of lived experiences that make up the dedicated professionals of AACRAO. 

The second cohort of ASCEND is almost finished. You may have seen profiles of this year’s cohort over the last several months, as they have worked through a series of self-paced courses, and live (virtual) panel discussions, received individualized career coaching and participated in several professionally guided self-assessments to help them identify and maximize their strengths. We are seeing results and that work is paying off for them as they explore new positions and work to grow their careers.  Are you looking for a unique opportunity, or do you know someone who would benefit from a directed professional opportunity?

Apply today.


AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter is open to members and non-members alike.