Meet the Future Leaders of Enrollment Management

November 1, 2021
  • Leadership and Management
  • Professional Development and Contributions to the Field
  • ascend
group of business people listening to a speaker

This year the ASCEND Leadership Development Program launches its second cohort at AACRAO's Annual SEM conference in Miami, Florida. ASCEND is part of AACRAO’s Leaders in Enrollment Advancing Diversity (LEAD) initiative, and aims to diversity enrollment management leadership across the higher education enterprise. ASCEND participants complete several courses over the year, such as writing a SEM plan, change management, data analysis, and leveraging technology in higher education. They also develop a strategic enrollment management plan as their capstone project.

The ASCEND program aims at preparing higher education professionals in the competencies required to take the next step in enrollment management leadership. This year-long intensive program uses self-paced modules and live discussions to cover the technical topics of enrollment management.

Some of the goals for AACRAO's ASCEND program include:

  • Advance the careers of program participants and provide them with important professional development
  • Help AACRAO and regional associations develop a “deep bench” of talented, motivated leaders from diverse backgrounds
  • Provide individuals from identified under-represented groups in the association community (i.e., smaller and under-resourced institutions as well as people of color, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender people, people with disabilities, etc) with support, access, and opportunities for leadership

Meet the Cohort

Faculty members with extensive knowledge of and experience with enrollment management serve as course facilitators and coaches. Each ASCEND participant works with a coach who provides mentoring, support, and guidance, not just to complete the program requirements, but also for career planning and professional growth and development.

Visit AACRAO's LEAD Initiative page and join the list for ASCEND and LEAD updates.


AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter is open to members and non-members alike.