W. Steven Peterson

Headshot of Steven Peterson.

Associate Director of Admission, Howard University

W. Steven Peterson is a leader in higher education, serving seventeen years in admission, recruitment, marketing, and enrollment process. Mr. Peterson joined Howard University in 2015 as a Data Retention Analyst in the Office of Undergraduate Studies helping to increase retention and graduation rates along with student success. Peterson was asked to serve in 2016 as the Associate Director in the Office of Admission. While serving as Associate Director, he helps oversee the undergraduate applicant review process, recruitment team efforts, and admission processing. Peterson helped facilitate Howard’s increase in over 30,000 undergraduate admission applications this year and a record increase in undergraduate enrollment for the past three years with Fall 2021 being the largest incoming freshman class in its history.

Peterson currently serves as Vice-President of the Howard University Staff Organization which helps to improve the overall employee experience. Peterson was invited 2019 to join the President’s leadership group Howard Forward. He was recognized for his commitment to service and received the provost distinguished service award this year. Before joining Howard University, Peterson served as Admission Processing Center Coordinator, Associate Director of Admission, and Interim Director of Admission at Central State University. During his ten-years he helped reimage the admission office for success. He led the initiative to create and implement reciprocity agreements for in-state tuition for Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan students with the Ohio Board of Regents. Peterson currently serves on AACRAO’s Black Caucus and has served on numerous committees. Peterson worked with Michelle Obama’s White House initiative “Reach Higher” in 2019, which helps high school students transition seamlessly to college. Peterson has received numerous distinguished awards honoring his leadership, service, and contributions to his profession.