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AACRAO's biweekly professional development e-newsletter Connect offers timely information, actionable tips, and expert guidance relevant to your career; stories about interesting colleagues doing inspiring things; and news about association services, activities and resources.

Like a virtual, on-demand AACRAO conference-between-conferences, Connect keeps professional conversations alive and helps you stay engaged with the association that advocates for and believes in your career. 

three people with question marks on their heads

Asking for a friend: The FERPA answers you wish you knew

Mar 9, 2020

3 common FERPA scenarios and the steps to solution.

map of the world in the middle of a maze

A moving target: 3 big challenges facing international ed today

Mar 9, 2020

How institutions can respond.

female presenting from a podium with the text "AIEA: Association of International Education Administrators" visible

2020 AIEA Conference "Rethinks Comprehensive Internationalization"

Mar 7, 2020

AACRAO presented on our work around the UNESCO Global Convention for Recognition.

smiling student with ipad

AICE Symposium to focus on International Professional Degrees

Mar 6, 2020

If internationally-educated professionals decide to “go back to school” in the US, what are their options?

two feet walking on sidewalk with arrows pointing in different directions

Talking transfer: Equity, access, and mobility

Mar 5, 2020

An interview on the complexities around transfer practices and politics.

woman of color raises her fist in the air while using a bull horn during a protest

What our students can teach us about social justice

Feb 24, 2020

Generation Z is socially conscious. Higher ed has a responsibility to respond.

cartoon figure reminiscent of Einstein stands in front of a chalkboard with the board "FERPA" written on it

Ask the FERPA Professor

Feb 24, 2020

Is a student complaint part of their educational record?

continental USA map showing a comparison of States' comprehensive-privacy laws

What you should know about the new California Consumer Privacy Act

Feb 24, 2020

In the wake of GDPR, California has passed comprehensive privacy legislation. Other states will follow.

Building the Blueprint logo with photo of Monique.

Building the Blueprint: A creative soul in a registrar's world

Feb 24, 2020

No matter how indirect your path to higher ed admin, this advice can help you succeed.

group photo at the AACRAO 2020 Winter Institute

Global colleagues learn international transfer credit at AACRAO’s Winter Institute

Feb 24, 2020

How can one master 196 educational systems in five days?

digital thumbprint, data security concept

Field Notes: The registrar's emerging role in data governance

Feb 24, 2020

Registrars are located at many intersections, positioning them to make a major contribution.

smiling student with backpack on campus

Pearson Edexcel & BTEC: Designing qualifications for the future

Feb 24, 2020

Free webinar March 4: Learn about academic and vocational credentials for international students seeking degrees in the US and Canada.

two females in USC gear pose for a photo together

Handling microaggressions

Feb 24, 2020

How women of color in higher education administrators navigate workplace bias.

diverse group of five people with arms around each others' shoulders

8 ways for registrars to foster diversity and inclusion

Feb 24, 2020

Yes, it is your responsibility. Step up.

College Scheduler and TAMIU logos

Webinar: Help more students find the right classes

Feb 11, 2020

Increase student persistence with streamlined planning & registration.

members of the AACRAO black caucus at the 2019 Annual Meeting

Highlighting the work of the AACRAO Black Caucus

Feb 11, 2020

One of our largest caucuses, the Black Caucus is open to any member interested in advancing the black community in higher ed.

paper head silhouettes of various colors overlapping

Quick Take: AACRAO to host conversation with Education Department on 2020 Census and FERPA

Feb 10, 2020

Addressing confusion over what demographic information officials may share with Census Bureau representatives.

series of lightbulbs with question mark and one lightbulb shooting up like a rocket

Become a better leader

Feb 10, 2020

5 pillars of excellent leadership, regardless of your status or style.

diverse group of students holding a globe together

Beyond Safe Zones: Systematizing inclusivity

Feb 10, 2020

Become a true LGBTQ+ ally, wherever your campus is.

young student smiling out the window, seated at a table with books and laptop

​​​​​​​​​​​​ACE launches national task force to improve transfer credit practices

Feb 10, 2020

AACRAO is supporting the work of the Task Force