2017 - 2018 FAFSA

(Early FAFSA/Prior Prior Year)

The 2017–18 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) season will begin earlier than previous FAFSA application cycles

fafsa calendar information

Beginning on Oct. 1, 2016, students will be able to fill out the FAFSA for the 2017–18 school year. (In the past, they had to wait until January 1). In addition, applicants will no longer need to estimate income and tax information and will be able to retrieve their data directly from the IRS, right from the first day the FAFSA is available. Students also will have information about their Expected Family Contributions earlier, helping them as they’re going through the college application and selection process. 


Dual Placement: Stronger Together via Work & Community Impact

March 5, 2025

March 5, 2025 | 2:00-3:00 pm ET

The concept of dual placement, in this context, discusses the significant impact one can have at the intersection of their professional and personal lives via volunteerism. In this engaging webinar, we will have a discussion around the fact that when we volunteer, we effect change in unseen and unknown ways, build stronger communities, and pour into something bigger than ourselves. The possibilities are endless and for those of us who live busy lives, it is easier than you think and does not have to require a huge expense of time. If you are looking for encouragement on ways to impact, willing to share your experience(s) in effecting positive change, or just want an escape from the usual work-related webinar topics, join us.

    Register Here


      Connie Shipman Newsome

      Connie Shipman Newsome, Ed.D.

      Director of Registrar Services, Campbell University School of Law

      Photograph of Tiffani Robertson

      Tiffani Robertson, Ph.D., MBA

      Director, Academic Services, College of Business, Governors State University