2017 - 2018 FAFSA

(Early FAFSA/Prior Prior Year)

The 2017–18 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) season will begin earlier than previous FAFSA application cycles

fafsa calendar information

Beginning on Oct. 1, 2016, students will be able to fill out the FAFSA for the 2017–18 school year. (In the past, they had to wait until January 1). In addition, applicants will no longer need to estimate income and tax information and will be able to retrieve their data directly from the IRS, right from the first day the FAFSA is available. Students also will have information about their Expected Family Contributions earlier, helping them as they’re going through the college application and selection process. 


Turning the degree audit into your most strategic lever

August 7, 2024

August 7, 2024| 2:00-3:00 pm ET

We empathize. There are many things to address on campus, whether it be data that’s trapped behind siloes, uncertainties about your current (or future) SIS, or trying to deliver a better student and advisor experience. Where do you begin, and how?

This session will cover how a modern degree audit is at the core of addressing all of these problems at the same time. Stellic partner institutions will share how they’re turning degree audit into the most strategic lever on campus — transforming access to student records, future-proofing staff needs, increasing the lifespan of the SIS, and more.

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This webinar is sponsored by:


Rhonda K. Kitch, Ph.D.

University Registrar at Cornell University

Kim schipporeitt

Kimra Schipporeit

Strategic Advisor at Stellic and Former Registrar at University of Nebraska Kearney

Megan Hicks

Registrar, Cornell College