2017 - 2018 FAFSA

(Early FAFSA/Prior Prior Year)

The 2017–18 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) season will begin earlier than previous FAFSA application cycles

fafsa calendar information

Beginning on Oct. 1, 2016, students will be able to fill out the FAFSA for the 2017–18 school year. (In the past, they had to wait until January 1). In addition, applicants will no longer need to estimate income and tax information and will be able to retrieve their data directly from the IRS, right from the first day the FAFSA is available. Students also will have information about their Expected Family Contributions earlier, helping them as they’re going through the college application and selection process. 


To Hold or Not to Hold Transcripts Part 2: Institutional Plans & AACRAO Guidance

May 29, 2024

May 29, 2024 | 2:00-3:00 pm ET

AACRAO and NACUBO partnered in November '23 to bring this topic to our membership. This engagement resulted in a lot of questions from both memberships. AACRAO and NACUBO completed a benchmark of institutional plans to remain compliant with the new regulations and will share those plans. We will also share AACRAO guidance on the use of partial-transcript holds.

"In the interest of providing you with the data and AACRAO guidance you need to understand the new federal regulation on transcript holds, we need more time to prepare and to expand the scope of the webinar. As such, we are rescheduling it for May 29th at 2 p.m. Eastern. The webinar will now include AACRAO guidance on the use of partial-transcript holds as well as data on institutional plans for compliance with the regulation. Thank you for your patience and understanding and we hope you can attend the webinar on the 29th."

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headshot of  Dr. Wendy Kilgore

Dr. Wendy Kilgore

Senior Director of Research, AACRAO

Jerry Martinez

Dean of Enrollment Management and Registrar