May 2022 - Transfer Patterns, Student Success, and Innovative Technology Responses

Dr. Wendy Kilgore |
May 24, 2022
  • Research
  • 60 Second Survey
  • AACRAO Research Insights
  • AACRAO Research Resources
  • Student Success
  • Technology
  • Transfer


It is hard to believe another spring semester is at an end. I hope it went well for you. AACRAO Research is engaged in several projects we hope will be fruitful and of interest and value to you. One of the items that keep coming up for webinars and ongoing research is the use of administrative and student success holds. As a reminder, AACRAO and NACUBO issued a joint statement on the use of administrative and student success holds. Please contact me if you have any questions (

AACRAO Research Update

Untangling Transfer Who, When, and Why: An Examination of Transfer Patterns and Institutional Supports

This report was made possible in part by We surveyed international member institutions serving undergraduate students to capture the institutional nuance in enrollment management practices in recruiting, admissions, and advising staffing levels. The study analyzed the use of technology and admissions policy to support different types of transfer—traditional-transfer, reverse-transfer, and swirling-transfer students. In regards to these types of transfer, this research addresses the recruitment and admissions processes in the presence of:

  • staffing resources
  • technology resources
  • strategic enrollment initiatives

There were 266 institutional responses; 78 percent represent undergraduate and comprehensive institutions (n = 210).

June 60-Second Survey Focus

Modern Campus is our June survey sponsor. We aim to capture your thoughts on what the role of the registrar should be in student engagement, enrollment management, and other areas. This survey is open to everyone. We are encouraging as many people to respond as they are interested. The data will help shape roundtable discussions scheduled for later this summer. These, in turn, will help shape a white paper and panel discussion. The ultimate goal is to understand where AACRAO can provide resources to support the role of the modern registrar.

July 60-Second Survey Focus

In July, we will continue our research partnership with Coursedog and engage in benchmarking approaches and tools to project course and degree demand.

WICHE and AACRAO Receive $452,500 in Grants to Study Impact of Administrative Holds on College Students

Please see the press release for more information.

Class Scheduling/Timetabling Comprehensive Benchmark Survey

AACRAO Research thanks you in advance for your participation in a comprehensive survey during the first two weeks of August. This project will expand on the September 2016 60-Second Survey, which received more than 700 respondents. Survey completers are eligible for a drawing for one of 20 $25 Visa gift cards.

Chief Admissions Officer Career Profile Survey 2022

It has been three years since we last surveyed chief admissions officers about their career paths and portfolio of responsibilities. The 2022 survey will deploy in September. View the 2019 report for more information.

Current Higher Education Research and Related Topics

New Examination of Study Abroad Effects on Student Success

A new study from the University System of Georgia found that participating in study abroad increased graduation rates. The study included more than 220,000 students at 35 colleges. Key points include:

  • Students were 6% more likely to graduate in four years and 4% more likely to graduate in six years than others who did not participate in study abroad.
  • There were even greater positive effects for students on need-based aid and first-generation students.
  • This infographic includes further information.

New Study Details Further Decline In Transfer Student Enrollment Rates

A new study from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center entitled "Transfer, Mobility, and Progress" examines the continuing effects of Covid-19 on college transfer enrollment. There is also a good synopsis of this report in Higher Ed Dive. Key points include:

  • There has been a double-digit enrollment decline over the two years since the spring of 2020.
  • Transfer enrollment moving from a two-year to a four-year institution is now declining for all student demographic groups and at all types of higher learning institutions.
  • View the data and methodology details for more information.

New Study Details Further Decline In Transfer Student Enrollment Rates - Undergraduate Enrollment Rate by student Group

Report Examines How Community Colleges Are Pivoting to Respond to Technology Innovation

An extensive new report from the Community College Research Center details how community colleges meet employers' needs in a rapidly changing technological landscape. The study authors focused on workforce programming in allied health, information technology, and advanced manufacturing. Skills that employers are increasingly seeking include:

  • Foundational skills in math, reading, and writing
  • Technical skills for specific positions
  • Digital literacy skills
  • A broad mix of interpersonal and cognitive skills central to collaboration, critical thinking, and customer service

The Number of Students Leaving Higher Education Without Degrees Continues to Rise

A report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center titled "Some College, No Credential" indicates a rise in the number of students who have attended college but left before achieving a credential. This research follows similar research in 2019 and 2014. View the interactive data dashboard and the full report for more information.

A New Study Examines The Effects Of Texting Students

A new pilot program by Peak Education and supported by Modern Campus shows how text messaging students correlates with increased GPA. Key findings include:

  • Among high-need students, texting correlated with a GPA increase of up to 0.3.
  • More responses from students correlated with higher GPA.
  • 65% of students responded to at least one text message, and 55% responded to at least half of the ten messages sent.

A New Study  Examines The Effects Of Texting Students scatterplot and linear regression analysis of GPA change vs. Response (by group)

New Report Details Progress in the "Degrees When Due" Initiative

A new report titled "Lighting the Path" from the Institute for Higher Education Policy details the progress of the "Degrees When Due" national degree attainment initiative. This initiative involved dedicated teams at more than 200 colleges, and universities focused on reconnecting with students who have some college completed but no degree.

Thoughts? Contact AACRAO Research.

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