The September 2016 AACRAO 60-Second Survey focused on undergraduate (n=701) and graduate (n=386) class scheduling practices. Topics included staffing level; primary responsibility for data entry; importance of various factors in the scheduling process; process timeline, availability of year-long registration; enrollment thresholds; the use of technology for class scheduling and student schedule planning; and the expected return on investment associated with the technology.
Responses were received from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, several United States territories, Armenia, the Bahamas, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, China, Italy, Mexico, Oman, Qatar, Singapore, Costa Rica, Jamaica, and Micronesia. One prevailing conclusion that can be gleaned from the results of this survey is that class scheduling practices vary; some scheduling services are centralized others are not, half use assistive technology and half do not, and some have generous staff resources, while others do not.