Eye on Research


Join me once a month as I provide commentary, updates on AACRAO Research, and relevant topics in Higher Education research. Want to receive updates on the blog directly? Join the email list below.

- Dr. Wendy Kilgore
Director of Research, AACRAO

May 2019 - Shifting financial aid, the future of college graduates and more | 05/28/2019

Enrollment rates in post-secondary education is growing among certain groups.

April 2019 - Student success, online learning and pathways to work | 04/25/2019

Get involved by participating in a AACRAO Member Dissertation Survey.

March 2019 - Transparency in admissions | 03/28/2019

The hot topic is "ethical parenting" in the college admissions process.

February 2019 - Challenges in enrollment and budgeting for higher education | 02/26/2019

Studies on opportunities for students, college spending, staffing management and more.

January 2019 - Registrar staffing, student success and valuable skills | 01/25/2019

A little nudge can go a long way.

December 2018 - Your Higher Ed Update | 12/19/2018

From admissions to graduation rates, here's your December research update.

November 2018 - The future of post-secondary education | 11/30/2018

An examination of the future of post-secondary educational needs, current admissions practices, and trending student topics.

October 2018 - Not Receiving Invitations to our Surveys? | 10/25/2018

The results of the excess credits at graduation research project will be released as an article in the January 2019 issue of SEMQ and at a session at the SEM conference in November. A few sneak peek findings are:

September 2018 - Defining Student Success | 09/24/2018

I ran across two articles recently, one in Inside Higher Ed and another by Northeastern University, both talking about how some universities are giving students an Amazon Echo Dot as part of their student package...I am personally “geeking out” thinking about the research to come that will examine the relationship between student success and Alexa (or other similar interface) users to non-users.

August 2018 - Qualitative Research – Often Time Consuming but Valuable | 08/28/2018

The stories we get from our members about their experiences both professionally and with their own institutional practices add a great deal to our understanding of the complexity of higher education.

July 2018 - Identify the approach colleges and universities use in recruiting high school seniors to their institutions | 07/24/2018

We are pleased to announce new functionality for the blog. Readers can now add comments. It is our hope that this new functionality will encourage contributions from our members.

June 2018 - Announcing a New Research Advisory Board Member | 06/25/2018

The AACRAO RAB is pleased to announce that we have a new member, Michael Flanigan, starting with the RAB on July 1st. Dr. Veronica Garcia is stepping away from her role on the RAB. She has been a valuable member of the group, and her service is greatly appreciated.

May 2018 - The many degrees of institutional freedom | 05/24/2018

In the almost four years that AACRAO has used the 60-Second Survey concept, I am struck by one theme that runs throughout: there are many degrees of freedom associated with the practices and policies for which we try to gain a common understanding through these surveys.

March 2018 - Planning for the Demographics Shift | 05/18/2018

Our opening keynote speaker here at the AACRAO annual conference, Francisco Marmolejo, spoke about the global economic and demographic shifts that will impact higher education in the United States and abroad in the next 20 plus years.

April 2018 - Socioeconomic Paradigm Struggles for Low-Income Graduates of Elite Leagues | 05/18/2018

I found this story in the Christian Science Monitor of great interest. The article examined the struggles of a few low-income, and/or first-generation students who experienced difficulty transitioning from “poor to privileged.”

February 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and College Enrollment Decisions | 02/23/2018

Just the American Educational Research Association (AERA) article title “How an Artificially Intelligent Virtual Assistant Helps Students Navigate the Road to College” made me think “Fascinating!” and then about Skynet, the Matrix, and Ava (Ex Machina) all at once.

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About the Author

  • Dr. Wendy Kilgore

    Wendy Kilgore serves as the Director of Research and Senior Consultant for AACRAO with more than 20  years of experience as a higher education administrator, researcher, and consultant in the US and Canada. She brings expertise in recruitment, admissions, financial aid, academic advisement, curriculum support, registration, records management, veterans’ education services, technology, organizational restructuring, student-centric business practice development, policy development, and managing comprehensive collaboration to support enrolment efforts.

    Prior to her full-time work with AACRAO, Dr. Kilgore served as state dean of enrollment services for the Colorado Community College system and the director of admissions and registrar for the Pima County Community College District. Her professional and consulting experience spans a wide array of institutions, including large public universities, small private colleges, small private, faith-based colleges, private for-profit institutions, technical colleges, a large two-year multi-campus community college district, and a state community college system consisting of 13 colleges. 

    Dr. Kilgore’s strategic consulting experience has included: records retention and disposition reviews, comprehensive student service evaluations; registrar and admission office reviews; business process analysis, mapping, and re-engineering; policy reviews; student service division mission; values and goals development; recommendations for organizational restructuring; technology requirements assessment and documentation, project charter and project plan development and SEM plan development.