What's the best way to share your ideas, innovations, and opinions with registrars, admissions officers, and enrollment managers nationwide? Contribute to AACRAO's prestigious College & University (C&U) quarterly journal.
Give your research and experience a voice by writing for the Feature section, or address best practices, how-tos, new technologies, the latest books, and other pertinent topics in The Forum section. With a substantial circulation base, C&U is an excellent vehicle for shaping the profession and gaining recognition.
AACRAO members are especially encouraged to submit articles, but non-members, faculty, graduate students, and members of the corporate sector are also welcome to share their work. Authors will receive copies of the issue in which their article appears, and will be issued an author honorarium.
Upcoming deadlines are: May 1, 2025; August 1, 2025, November 1, 2025; and February 1, 2026.