Changes in federal statute and executive actions have greatly promoted the expansion of services toward veterans and their families. Since the Post-9/11 GI Bill was passed in 2009, close to 1 million veterans, service members, and eligible dependents have taken advantage of the educational benefits available to them.
With the passage of the The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, also known as the “Forever GI Bill” in 2017, there will be significant changes to Veterans education benefits over the coming years. Most changes enhance or expand education benefits for Veterans, servicemembers, families, and survivors.
Furthermore, AACRAO established a short-term work group charged with assessing the feasibility of aligning the veterans reporting process with existing enrollment and compliance reporting business processes. The workgroup will also identify issues, requirements, and potential changes to Student Information Systems to facilitate improvements in veterans reporting. Lastly, the workgroup will develop protocols for data collection and reporting using existing tools, as well as anticipating the future state of the reporting process.
AACRAO Work Group Guide
Oversight of State Approving Agency Program Monitoring for Post-9/11 GI Bill Students
Postsecondary Non-Completion Among Veterans: Contributing Factors and Implications
The decrease in usage is attributed to factors such as the number of transitioning service members, their age, and the low veteran unemployment rate.
Researchers said that for-profit colleges changed their tuition price "to extract surpluses from their students."
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New AACRAO Google Group aims at building a space for Veteran and Service Member interests.
How the University of Iowa improved their workflow.
Preferred documents, evaluation lifecycle, SIS input, specialized laws, and resources for credit evaluators.
Peer support is particularly crucial.
Research shows this often-overlooked cohort has a lot to offer campuses.
Address this often-overlooked group and set the stage for success with other nontraditional populations.
They bring unique assets as both students and employees.
7 steps to ease military credit transfer and tips for raising faculty awareness of the transfer process.
Resources to support the transition from military service to higher education and the workforce.
An update on the progress of a nationwide reporting system
The success of veterans relies largely on the efficiency and effectiveness of student services.
The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs continues to project an increasing number of veterans returning to college to pursue a higher education.