“Due Diligence” is the first step on the road to compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation

May 15, 2018
  • AACRAO Press Releases
  • GDPR
  • privacy
May 15, 2018
Contact: Julia Funaki
Associate Director, AACRAO International
(202) 355-1054

“Due Diligence” is the first step on the road to compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation

Interassociation Group encourages institutions to seek legal advice

Washington, DC – With 10 days until enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), six professional higher education associations, led by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), released a guide today to help their respective members navigate the EU regulation. The group worked to develop information processing scenarios and exercises that would test the GDPR provisions in a higher educational context, discuss roles, considerations, and potential institutional responses to those provisions. AACRAO will follow implementation of the GDPR as it develops.

Broken down into five sections – Background, Risk Assessment and First Steps, Recurring Considerations, Sample Exercises, and Resources, the guide functions as a living document that will be updated and modified as enforcement begins and true scenarios become available for reference.

"When you step back, the GDPR is really about good data hygiene" stated Julia Funaki, Associate Director, AACRAO International. "There is no time like the present in beginning to think about what your institution needs to do to comply with data regulations and protecting your students, faculty, scholars, and staff."

For more information about the GDPR, visit AACRAO’s Trending Topic Page