A Sector in Flux: How For-Profit Higher Ed Has Shifted

March 14, 2018
  • Industry News
  • for profit

Bridgepoint Education’s decision on Tuesday to spin off its Ashford University brand has already rankled critics of the company specifically, and of the for-profit sector in general. But the move is just the latest in an industry seeking to reorganize and rebrand itself after years of aggressive government oversight, financial problems, and scathing press coverage.

Over the last two years, many of the industry’s biggest and best-financed players have altered their company structures, merged with onetime competitors, or left the education business altogether. Despite a more sympathetic and generous regulator in the Trump administration’s Department of Education, the sector’s former titans have continued to transition from the business models they used at the start of the millennium into a variety of different structures.

Read more at The Chronicle of Higher Education: https://www.chronicle.com/article/A-Sector-in-Flux-How/242813