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Congress punts fight over Dreamers to March

February 20, 2018
  • Industry News
  • Daca
  • dreamers

Congress is poised to kick a heated immigration fight into overtime, with no clear path forward.

With the Senate rejecting four proposals — including President Trump's preferred plan and a key bipartisan deal — and no viable backup plan in sight, lawmakers are poised to hit pause on the issue until at least next month as they go back to the drawing board.

It’s a stark contrast from just a week ago, when senators had hoped to gain momentum coming out of what they anticipated to be a freewheeling floor fight.

Instead, both sides are pointing fingers and raising fresh questions about what, if anything, can win over two deeply divided chambers and the White House.

Read more at The Hill: http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/374326-congress-punts-fight-over-dreamers-to-march