Federal Interpretation -- or Legislation?

August 23, 2016
  • Industry News
  • sexual misconduct

Disagreement over the legality of the 2011 guidance that spurred the U.S. Education Department's toughened enforcement of campus sexual assault has been building in recent months, with many college officials, Republican members of Congress and others questioning the legitimacy of the federal guidelines and dozens of legal and advocacy groups defending the guidance.

Now a federal judge has weighed in -- sort of -- with a ruling that several legal experts say could have significant implications for the Obama administration's attempts to regulate education issues, including sexual violence.

On Sunday, a federal judge in Texas issued a preliminary injunction that bars the administration from enforcing its May guidance requiring schools and colleges to give transgender students access to facilities and services in a way that's consistent with their gender identity.

Read more at Inside Higher Ed: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/08/23/courts-decision-us-transgender-policy-could-threaten-other-title-ix-rules